Chapter 11.

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Written by @xSnowKiss


- I went out with the boys. Just letting you know in case I'm not home when you get back. Love you (: xxxx Justin -

I read the text under the table, smiling at Justin's overuse of x's. I read the text one more time before shoving my phone into my pocket. I understood if Justin wanted to spend time with his friends. It's been a while since he's seen Chaz and Ryan so it was good that he was having a boy's night out. I'm sure he needed it. At the thought, I make a side note to call Selena tomorrow. As much as Justin needed a boy's night, I needed a girl's day. It's not like Justin would enjoy being dragged to the spa with me.

"Who was that?" Mark breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up at the blue-eyed Australian boy who was shoving a giant spoonful of pasta into his mouth.

"Justin." I smile as I say my husband's name. "He was just texted me saying he was going out."

Mark nods, chewing in his spaghetti. "Oh."

"Carter, sweetheart." Beth's voice interrupts. "Would you like some desert?"

I glance down at my half-eaten plate of Fettuccine. "No, thanks. I'm full."

"Don't be silly." Beth says. "There's always room for desert."

"No, really." I smile as politely as I can. "I'm quite stuffed."

Beth doesn't stop insisting. "But the pie is really-"

"Beth," Mark speaks over her. "She's not hungry." Beth purses her lips, glaring a bit too sternly at her stepson. Beside her, Steve clears his throat.

"Mark, please stay out of it." He orders calmly. "And honey, Carter isn't hungry. It's ok. There's always next time." Beth nods, looking away from Mark and back to me.

"So, Carter." She changes the subject. "Are you planning to go to college. You know, since you've graduated."

I swallow, knowing this was a touchy subject. I barely know this woman but I know her enough to know she won't like my answer.

"Well, I've always been interested in journalism." I manage to say. "But going to college was never something I planned on."

"I don't plan on going to college either." Mark blurts, earning himself yet another from is stepmother.

"You're going to college, Mark. Don't be an idiot." She snaps. "And Carter, you should consider college. How else are you going to be a journalist then?"

"I just won't, I guess." I shrug. Beth waves off my statement.

"Oh, please. You're being silly. Don't let Justin stop you from doing what you want to do."

I almost choke on my own spit. "Justin's not stopping me from anything."

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