Chapter 27

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Elizabeth's POV:

Elizabeth gasped as her eyes widened and sat up, regretting the action once her vision started spinning and her head pounded against her skull. She rubbed it, hoping to ease the dizzy spell, and slowly positioned herself on her knees. Her eyes wandered around the claustrophobic room and watched as every wire, every panel, and every button swirled the longer she stared at them. A pained gasp escaped her lips as the relentless pounding in her skull wouldn't let up. Her body fell forward, but she held herself up with her hands as her bent frame heaved with each panted breath. What happened to cause this much pain?

Slowly and ever so gently, she lifted her head up to test her vision. Foggy eyes blinking quickly, she stared forward and finally focused on what was in front of her; two doors, both made of metal, and closed, most likely locked; not accessible but possibly not sound-proofed. Oh, she hoped so.

As soon as her sense of focus became stronger, she carefully stood up and staggered to the doors, swaying with each step. Her body fell against the hard metal and slid down which caused her to land on her knees. Okay, she was at the doors now what? Pounding on them was an option but could someone hear her? Could she be rescued?

It was worth a shot. Painfully, Lizzie lifted her arms and clenched her fists as her limbs throbbed in protest. A soft yelp escaped her when she lightly tapped the door with her fist, electric shocks shooting through her arm. "Frick," she muttered then gently held onto her pained arm. If a tap hurt that much, how was she going to handle pounding on the darn doors?

Unconsciously, she leaned forward then yelped when she couldn't stop falling. A grunt escaped her as soon as she landed on a tiled floor then blinked in confusion as she stared at the lab outside of the doors. "What the-?" Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she screamed shortly in panic when she registered half of her body was sticking through the doors!

Panicked pants sounded out through the lab as she hastily crawled forward, dragging the rest of her body out, then turned over to examine her lower half. She gasped when she noticed her legs reflected a light blue color, almost camouflaging with the floor. "What?!" she yelled then examined her upper body to discover it was in the same condition, "Wha-What's wrong with me?!"

A whimper escaped her as she glanced frantically around before spotting a mirror on the other side of the room. Her eyes widened in fear; could she still see herself? With shaky knees, she stood and staggered to the mirror. Placing both hands on either side of it, she looked through, and the result of what she saw before her caused a startled gasp to emit. Her shaky hand ran through her now disheveled snow-white curls with strands of light blue shooting down from the roots of her scalp to the tips. Gulping, she brought two fingers up to one of her eyes and lifted the lid to stare into a glowing icy blue iris it hid. Her palms ran down her face, noting her skin was much paler than before, and watched in confusion as a thin and faint white aura floated around the outer layer of her body which helped in highlighting her appearance.

"What is this?" she questioned softly, in too much shock to scream in fear, "What happened to me?"

Stumbling back from what could be logically considered a dream, she fell back and involuntarily looked down at her clothing. Her eyes widened as she registered her clothing changed too. Her hands clutched onto the soft fabric of the light blue blouse encasing her upper body then moved to the white leather jacket covering her shirt. Her eyes wandered further down to her lower half and registered her once dark jeans were now white.

Disbelief filled her mind. None of this was real; how could it be? She passed out in an unsafe machine and woke up with an entirely different appearance?! That was impossible! Illogical! It went against all scientific facts!

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