Chapter 35

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Vlad's POV:

Vlad stood over Elizabeth's unmoving form, unsure of where to begin. She had transformed back into her original self only a few hours ago, but he wasn't sure what he needed to do now. Also, he didn't know where her powers came from. When and how did she become a halfa, like him? If he knew, it might help with reversing the transformation and deleting her other half, but he wasn't too confident that having that knowledge would contribute to that desirable outcome.

On the other hand, he almost didn't want to know. If she stumbled into his secret lair and turned into a halfa there, he couldn't forgive himself for allowing it to happen.

He sighed in dejection then gently placed his hand on hers and accidentally touched the metal cuff strapping her to the table. Yes, he had to tie her down. He was worried she would go ballistic again and turn back into her other half. He didn't like it, and he didn't want to do it, but he had no other choice. He made sure the cuffs weren't too tight but not too loose either, so she was comfortable with her arms tied at her sides and her legs strapped down.

"What are you going to do?" Skulker asked from a chair in a dark corner, them both believing that if she saw him, it might trigger her to change. "Obviously, this isn't good."

"I know that, Skulker," he snapped and glared at his accomplice. "To answer your question, I'm going to reverse the change."

"How?" the Hunter asked, seemingly not affected by Vlad's frustrated tone.

The older halfa sighed again and drummed his fingers next to Elizabeth's hand to keep himself from attacking Skulker for showing an apathetic behavior toward his situation. "I have one possible solution in mind."

"Which is?"

Vlad clenched his fist and turned to face him, glaring once more. "Clockwork."

"Clockwork?" Skulker crossed his arms. "He won't help you. He can't."

"I'm aware, but it couldn't hurt to try." His glare softened, and he looked back over at his unconscious daughter then stroked her black curls. "Which is why I need you to stay here and watch over her while I'm away."

"What?" It was Skulker's turn to glare. "I'm not a babysitter!"

"I'm not asking you to babysit!" Vlad returned the glare toward the Hunter. "All I need is for you to watch her and inform me if she wakes up while I'm at Clockwork's."

The Hunter sighed, submitting defeat, then uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "Fine, let's say she wakes up. What happens if she changes, and I can't stop her from breaking free from her bonds?"

"She shouldn't be able to. I gave her a sedative to keep her under."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"If it doesn't work then inform me."


Vlad sighed in frustration but kept his temper contained for the sake of his little girl's safety. "Do you know how to use the communicator on your wrist?"

"Of course, I do." Skulker glared. "I created it."

The older halfa transformed into Plasmius. "With my help."

Before Skulker could say anything more, Plasmius went through his Ghost Portal which he opened when he first thought of the idea to see Clockwork. Hopefully, the Time Ghost could help save Elizabeth. If he couldn't, he wasn't sure what else to do.


Vlad's POV:

Vlad arrived sooner than he originally anticipated and stood outside of the Clocktower. He smirked as he took in the appearance of the ginormous tower, admiring the structure and build of it; a grandfather clock was undoubtedly a suitable home for a time obsessed ghost. However, it was also predictable for him, and that was a horrible way to hide; if it was needed, of course.

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