Ch. 5

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The weekend went by quicker than Hermione had liked, but she did feel relieved to have the excuse of classes to avoid the Head Boy. After the Pansy incident by the Black Lake which had stirred up feelings of jealousy in Hermione, she decided that she wanted to limit her time from him. After all, he had enough attention from Pansy.

Draco noticed her sudden change and that she was avoiding him again, and he became very distressed after she spent most of her weekend in the Gryffindor tower with her housemates. Breakfast on Monday came quickly for him, and he lamented his feelings to Blaise.

"I didn't see her after they left the lake," Draco said sadly. "She's gone back to avoiding me. What am I going to do?"

"Maybe you just need to tell her the truth," Blaise suggested, shrugging.

"Don't you think that's a little fast?" Draco asked.

"Maybe, but she's going to find out eventually." Blaise took a few more pieces of bacon from the plate. "You've waited this long."

"I don't want her to freak out and reject me though," Draco said, looking over at the Gryffindor table where his mate was engulfed in a book. "Why can't this be easier?"

"I don't know what to tell you," Blaise sighed. "It's hard for me too. But remember, we have potions with them first."

This gave Draco a bit of hope, and he nodded, continuing to eat while he kept his eyes on his mate.

Hermione sat next to Ginny in the Potions dungeon, a thrill of excitement going through her. She had started to actually enjoy Potions this year, especially since Ginny was in the class with her. They had a lot more classes together since they were now both in the same year, and it helped ease the fact that Harry and Ron hadn't returned.

She was quietly talking with Ginny when she felt an overwhelming sense of calm come over her, similar to the one that she had felt at the Lake. She noticed Ginny visibly relax as well before she sat there with a confused expression on her face.

"Hello ladies."

The two girls turned around and Hermione groaned. Malfoy and Zabini took the desk behind them, and they were smiling at the girls.

"What do you want, Zabini?" Ginny asked, though without her normal feistiness.

Zabini shrugged and said, "Just wanted a nice view, Red."

Hermione noticed Ginny's cheeks flushing as the red head turned around and faced forward immediately, bringing out a chuckle from the boy directly behind her. Hermione shot a glance at Draco before turning to face the front as well.

The class fell into silence as Professor Slughorn appeared, addressing the class. "Good morning students!"

He gestured towards a cauldron on his desk that was filled with a yellow substance. "Today, we shall be brewing the Volubilis potion."

There were a few looks of confusion around the room while Slughorn continued. "This particular potion aims to change the voice of the drinker. No change is exactly the same, so some gain a lower voice while others find their register going higher in pitch. Can anyone else tell me another use for this potion?"

Hermione of course was the first to raise her hand, and when Slughorn called on her, she answered, "It can also reverse the effects of the Silencing Charm by restoring one's voice."

"Very good, Miss Granger!" Slughorn praised. "Five points to Gryffindor!"

Draco beamed from behind his mate, feeling her joy wash over him. He had to force himself to tear his eyes away from her as Slughorn brought out a piece of parchment, unrolling it and looking around. "Now, I've decided to change a few things this year. In order to promote house unity after the great tragedy of the war, I have assigned each of you partners from a different house."

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