Ch. 49

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"Paris!" Hermione exclaimed as she twirled excitedly to see all of her surroundings. "Oh, Draco! This is amazing!"

Ginny embraced Blaise, who had smacked Draco on the arm and muttered, "Next time tell me!"

They had landed at the base of the Eiffel Tower, which Hermione insisted they immediately go up. But after a lot of convincing from Draco on why they needed to put their luggage away first, she begrudgingly agreed and Draco promised they would come back again later that day.

Draco apparated them in front of another pair of gates, these gold and black. He waved his hand over the lock and the gate opened, and he gestured for the other three to enter first. Hermione stared up at the large building in front of her in awe, then back at Draco.

"Is it the entire building?" She asked.

He laughed slightly and shook his head. "No, only a part of it. It's not as large as the Malfoy Manor, but it's still beautiful."

The four of them walked inside and Draco led them up a set of stairs to the third floor. There was a grand set of doors off the stairs and Draco pointed his wand at the lock, muttering an incantation that Hermione didn't recognize.

When the lock clicked open, Draco looked at her and said, "There's a special charm on the doors that only the wands of Malfoy family members can open. When we marry, your wand will be added to that list."

He smiled at her and then opened the doors, with Hermione and Ginny rushing in with their bags. They both stopped as soon as they entered, their mouths hanging open as they looked around. The walls were white with a gold trim, and the light was flooding in from the many windows. There were fireplaces on either side of the room with a beautiful mantle and a large gold mirror sitting on top of both that spanned up to the ceiling. There were two large crystal chandeliers hanging down which Hermione marveled at as she walked underneath them to the windows. The windows started about a foot off the floor and spanned up to the ceiling, and Hermione could see a small balcony outside. She would have to check that out later.

"Merlin Malfoy, is this bathroom all marble?!" Ginny yelled from an unknown room.

She laughed and heard Draco reply from behind her, "Of course! Malfoys only get the best!"

Hermione looked at the detailing of the fireplace when she heard someone come up behind her, wrapping their arms around her waist and saying quietly, "That's why I have you."

She smiled and turned around to see Draco there, smiling down at her. After a quick kiss from her, she asked, "So where is our bedroom?"

"Right this way, my love," He said with a gestured to the side.

As he led her towards their designated bedroom, he caught sight of someone that hadn't been there before standing outside on one of the balconies suddenly off the living room. He glared and quickly led Hermione away to the bedroom before using the excuse of forgetting a bag in the living room to leave the bedroom and walk back out.

He pulled the window open to see Scabior grinning on the small balcony. With a growl, Draco said quietly, "What are you doing here?"

"I have news you'll want to hear," Scabior shrugged before pointedly looking past him with an evil grin. "The girl is still as pretty as I remember."

Draco growled louder. "Touch her and I will rip you to shreds. I'll get them out of here for an hour while you tell me the news; just cast a Disillusionment on yourself so they don't see you!"

Scabior grinned and disappeared into the surroundings while Draco closed the window. He tried to calm himself down before he entered the bedroom, and once he saw Hermione he smiled and leaned against the doorway, watching her put away her clothes.

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWhere stories live. Discover now