Ch. 48

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"So, when should we plan the weddings?" Lucius asked nonchalantly.

Hermione and Ginny nearly choked on their wine and Narcissa gave his arm a smack. "Lucius!"

They had spent the evening on the second floor terrace overlooking the gardens. Narcissa had opened a bottle of wine for her, Hermione, and Ginny, while the boys had opted for firewhiskey that Lucius poured for them.

"Father, I don't think now's the best time to discuss this," Draco said as he patted Hermione's back while she coughed.

Hermione finished coughing and sat up straight. "They haven't even proposed to us yet."

Lucius scowled at Blaise and Draco. "Come now, boys! I proposed to Narcissa immediately after marking her!"

Narcissa smacked his arm again, her cheeks flushing but a smile on her face. "We don't need to pressure them."

"I'm not trying to pressure them, dear," Lucius said in a light tone. "I just think that it's never too early to start planning."

Ginny and Hermione looked at each other before Ginny downed her wine, her face nearly as red as her hair. Narcissa quickly poured her another glass and gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, girls; Lucius can be a little insensitive sometimes."

"Nonsense," Lucius answered. "I've just always been looking forward to having a daughter-in-law. And with Blaise being our godson, we're essentially getting two now."

He beamed at Hermione and Ginny, and Hermione couldn't help but feel happy as well. Draco smiled at her, feeding off of her joy. Ginny on the other hand, felt a little apprehensive of this, which Blaise felt. He gave Ginny an odd look, who in turn forced a smile at her Veela. Blaise raised an eyebrow but she shook her head at him.

"We'll talk later," She whispered to him.

"Alright, alright; I'll drop the subject," Lucius said, not noticing Ginny's reaction, "But I do think it would be wonderful if at least Draco and Hermione's ceremony was held here. Maybe in the gardens?"


The couples all split apart to go to their respective wings to prepare for dinner. Blaise took this time to speak to Ginny after they had gone to his wing and he had cast a silencing charm on their door and windows.

"What's wrong, Ginny?" He asked, turning to look at her.

She sighed and sat down on the bed, looking down at her hands in her lap. "This is just a little difficult for me, Blaise. I know they've changed, I can see it in everything they do. It's just...hard to get past everything and leave it in the past."

Blaise made his way over to her, sitting down quietly next to her and saying, "I know it's hard. Especially with everything your mother brought up yesterday at dinner. I want to help you but I don't know how."

She shook her head and sighed, giving him a small smile. "Unfortunately, I think this is something that I need to get over myself. From the sounds of things, we'll be spending a lot of time here since they are essentially your adoptive parents."

"They are in the same way that your parents are like Hermione's extra family," He said thoughtfully. "By the way, Draco got the speech from your father about Hermione. I think he gave Draco more of a speech than he did me."

"Well, Draco's tortured Hermione more than you have done anything to me," Ginny said with a shrug. "I wouldn't be surprised if everyone who knows us gave him more of a speech than they do you."

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWhere stories live. Discover now