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Nine months later, September 1999

"Here's our box," Blaise said, gesturing in front of him.

It was Ginny's first quidditch match with the Harpies, and everyone had come to support her in her debut, including Lucius and Narcissa. They were chatting with Hermione's parents, who were apprehensive at first of the other couple in much higher quality clothes, but after a few minutes of friendly conversation, all tension had disappeared.

The large group consisted of Blaise, Draco, Hermione, Lucius and Narcissa, Hermione's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Harry, Ron, and George. The twelve of them fit into the box easily and were all dressed in dark green and gold colors to match Ginny's uniform.

"Well," Draco said, looking at his dark green sweater. "It's almost Slytherin colors."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Be nice."

"I am being nice!" He exclaimed. "Ginny's the only person I would wear these colors for!"

"How charitable of you, Malfoy," Ron said, rolling his eyes as he overheard. While he was still unhappy with the fact that Draco and Hermione were together, he was able to put aside his feelings for Hermione's sake. "Though I will admit, the colors are a little ridiculous."

"Come now, Ron, the green really brings out the red in your hair," Draco chuckled.

Ron scowled at him while George nudged Hermione and whispered "Did I mention that I like your boyfriend?"

Hermione giggled. "You only like him when he's making fun of Ron."

George grinned at her. "Nah, that's just a plus. I like him because he makes you happy."

She smiled at him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick hug before everyone turned their attention to the pitch as the match was starting. Hermione grinned and waved her flag as the Harpies flew over them, shouting with the rest of the group for Ginny.

As the match went on, Hermione could hear Mr. Weasley explaining the rules of quidditch to her parents, which she laughed at. She knew her parents would probably ask her more questions about the game later, but right now Hermione was too focused on watching her best friend who was busy becoming the star chaser. She was happy though that her parents were enjoying the game, even if they didn't fully understand it at first.

Soon the topic of conversation switched as Narcissa began talking to Hermione's mother, demanding that they both go shopping soon.

"Oh, I don't know, Narcissa," Hermione's mother said hesitantly. "Your taste is a bit more...extravagant than mine."

Narcissa waved her off. "Don't worry, dear. I've been wanting to explore muggle London. And after all, we're going to be in-laws!"

Hermione's mother gave an alarmed look and Lucius reigned his wife in, causing Hermione to laugh. She had tried to tell her parents about the specifics of her relationship with Draco, and had touched on the subject of marriage but her parents had shown some discomfort with that subject. But she didn't outright state that she and Draco would be together forever, especially since they were already hesitant about the topic of marriage.

"Don't worry, Jean," Lucius said to Hermione's mother with a smile. "My wife is just very excited to have Hermione be a part of the family, and excited to have you two be a part of it as well."

Everyone's attention was caught by Ginny scoring a goal and the entire box erupted into cheers, quickly becoming the loudest box in the entire stadium.

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt