Ch. 24

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The next week went by smoothly, and Blaise and Ginny had both settled into their dorm easily. Hermione and Ginny were both happy to be able to hang out with each other more often, and this made the two Veelas immensely happy.

Draco was almost always on alert outside of their dorm after Pansy's threat to hex Hermione, and he had become very protective of his mate, growling at anyone who got close to her. This didn't go unnoticed by her, and she tried hard to not say anything, but after a few days of his overbearing protectiveness, she finally broke down.

"Draco, what's wrong?" She asked, pulling him to the side in the corridor.

He looked around slightly before answering her. "Nothing, why do you ask?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You've been walking me to and from every class, and you search the corridors as if you're expecting something to jump out at you. Not to mention growling at anyone who comes within five feet of me."

"There's nothing wrong, I promise," He said, smiling at her.

"Then will you relax?" She asked, frustrated.

"I am relaxed!"

She looked at him, clearly unconvinced. He couldn't help but glance around the corridor and she huffed. "There you go again, you just looked around. You better tell me what is happening right now, Draco."

He sighed and his shoulders dropped. "Someone may have threatened to hex you."



She stared at him for a moment and then laughed. "Pansy? You really are worried about Pansy hexing me?"

"I don't want something happening to you," He said worriedly.

"You think I can't defend myself from her?" She asked defensively. "That's rather insulting."

"That's not it," He said, frustrated. "Look, Veelas are very protective of their mates, and any threat, regardless of how ridiculous it is, makes us on edge. I am well aware that you can defend yourself, especially from Pansy, but that doesn't mean that I can control my protectiveness. It's hard to explain."

She relaxed slightly, feeling bad that she had assumed his reasoning. She reached out and took his hands, squeezing them as she smiled at him. "I understand now; if this is what it takes for you and your Veela to be comfortable, then I will happily oblige."

He smiled widely. "You are incredible, Hermione."

Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a hug, she laid her head on his chest and returned his hug happily.

Their last class of the day was Defense Against the Dark Arts, one which the four of them shared. The position had been taken over by a new professor, a woman named Adeliza Rhodes. She was a very stern woman in her mid-forties, towering over everyone. She was very lithe and always reminded Hermione of a ballerina due to the fact that she glided instead of walking and was always clad in pale blue robes.

"Good afternoon, class," She greeted in a light voice that clashed against her stern appearance. "Today, we will be learning about a creature that isn't necessarily dark, but can be dangerous when provoked. This creature is the Veela."

The four of them looked at each other uncomfortably before returning their attention back to the front of the class.

"Now, most of the information that we have on Veelas is only in reference to full-blood Veelas, which are always female," Professor Rhodes stated, walking slowly up the aisle between desks with her hands clasped in front of her. "However, once a Veela mates and the gene is passed on, the gene can appear in both male and female children. Full-blooded Veelas are extremely rare these days, but there are more witches and wizards with the Veela gene than one would think."

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu