Ch. 33

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Friday morning came quickly, and Hermione woke to loud and frantic knocking on her door. She groaned as she sat up, gently pushing Salazar off of her and going to see who it was that was making all the racket.

Ginny was standing on the other side of her door, squealing with delight and bouncing up and down. "Let me in, let me in! We need to get ready!"

Hermione laughed and opened the door wider for Ginny to enter. "Have you already helped yourself to coffee?"

"No, Blaise got me hooked on this stuff called espresso," Ginny said excitedly. "It gives me a lot more energy than coffee."

"I may need some of that," Hermione muttered. "I love espresso."

Ginny waved her wand and two small mugs slowly glided into the room. "I prepared for that. I know how you are in the mornings."

"Gin, have I told you that I love you?" Hermione asked, taking one of the small mugs.

"Not recently, no, but I understand," The red head giggled. "You've been distracted by someone else, I see how it is."

Hermione gave her arm a small smack and then stared at the large bag that came flying into the room. "What on earth- did you pack your entire room?!"

"That's all stuff we'll need!" Ginny insisted, lowering the bag onto the bed. "There's hair products, makeup, my straightener and curling iron, everything! I even brought two satin bathrobes for us to wear as we get ready!"

She began shoving Hermione towards the bathroom. "First thing's first though, you need to go shower! And then I need to shower after you!"

"Can't you go shower in your own dorm?" Hermione asked, trying to not spill her mug of espresso.

"One, no because I insisted that Draco and Blaise stay over there today," She started. "And two, no because Blaise and Draco are having both of our dresses flown into my dorm, so we have to stay over here. Their orders."

"Their orders, huh?" Hermione said as she turned on the water. "Since when do you take orders from anyone?"

"Around the same time you started allowing Draco to make decisions for you," She replied with a grin before digging through her bag. "Nah, I trust Blaise. And I know he only orders me around in a joking way. Though I can tell he'd love to order me around in other ways."

Hermione groaned and stepped into the shower while calling out, "So have you and Blaise...?"

"No, not yet," Ginny called back. "We've talked about it, but I don't think I'm ready."

"See I thought the same thing," Hermione said as she wet her hair. "Wait, do you want me to wash my hair?"

"Yes please!" Ginny answered from the bedroom. "And don't take too long!"

After the girls had both finished their showers, they sat in front of Hermione's large mirror about an hour later as they wand-dried their hair in the satin robes. Hermione had turned on music from her gramophone and they were chatting with each other about random subjects.

"I know I said that we should spend Christmas break at your parents' house," Ginny started, "But I'm thinking maybe we should travel somewhere instead."

"Oh yeah?" Hermione asked in surprise as she brushed her hair. "Where are you thinking?"

"I don't know," Ginny shrugged. She fluffed out her hair and turned to start helping Hermione finish wand-drying her hair. "I just thought it would be fun to travel."

"Do you think we should bring the guys?" Hermione asked with uncertainty. "I don't know how long we can be separated from them."

"They might just tag along anyway, to be honest," Ginny sighed. "Knowing them. They seem to always want to follow us to make sure we're alright."

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