Ch. 12

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By the time they had gotten to the castle, the four of them had missed lunch. Hermione though was able to get four plates of food from the kitchens, and they were soon all eating happily in the Head Dorm. Hermione and Ginny sat together on one couch while the boys sat across from them in the opposite couch. Ginny had also already fixed her makeup and the bottle of vodka was sitting unopened on the table next to her as she waited to finish eating before starting to drink.

So far everyone had been happily chatting with each other. Ginny was surprised to find that Blaise and Draco were both extremely nice as Hermione had said. They had barely talked since their potions class together, but she was growing to like him the more she talked to him.

"So Ginny, are you going to be playing Quidditch this year?" Blaise asked, between bites.

Ginny nodded, caught off guard by the use of her name instead of his newfound nickname for her, but she was excited nonetheless. "Of course! I'm hoping to get Captain this year. Tryouts are supposed to be held soon, I'm going to talk to McGonagall later about it."

Then a look of horror crossed her face and she immediately looked to Hermione, groaning. "I forgot to get a broom!"

"What happened to your old one?" Hermione asked, knowing that getting a broom would be the next mission for her friend the following weekend, if not the next day.

Ginny looked down. "It was destroyed during the battle. I had it in the locker room with the other brooms so I wouldn't have to lug it around everywhere."

Blaise immediately shot a look to Draco before looking back at Ginny and asking, "I'm guessing you're going to Spintwitches in Hogsmeade?"

Ginny nodded and he smiled slightly as he said, "Well if you'd like, I can go with you. I need to pick up some things myself."

She looked at him for a few moments before shrugging. "Sure, you can come along. Just don't think you're getting any information out of me about the Gryffindor team!"

Blaise laughed and shook his head. "I would never do such a thing, Red."

"Well you are a Slytherin; I wouldn't put it past you to try and get my secrets, Squeakers."

Draco burst out laughing while Blaise scowled, a grin twitching its way onto his face while Ginny leaned back into the couch triumphantly. Hermione just shook her head at them and finished her plate, looking at Draco. "Are you going to be Slytherin's seeker again?"

Draco shrugged. "I'll try out, but I'm not going to get my hopes up."

Before she could respond, he stood up and grabbed both his plate and hers, taking them to the kitchen. She scowled at him when he came back and said, "I could have gotten mine."

He shrugged again and smiled. "I thought I'd save you the trip."

She smiled back and Ginny nudged her. "Can we go to your room really quick? I want to change into something comfier."

Hermione nodded and they both stood up, heading up the stairs to Hermione's room. As soon as the door shut Ginny rounded on her friend. "Okay, what is going on between you and him?"

Shushing Ginny and looking back towards the door, Hermione cast a quick silencing charm on it and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Ginny raised an eyebrow at her and crossed her arms. "Well first off, whatever the hell that was in Hogsmeade with his hand. And then you two just randomly smiling at each other."

Hermione didn't say anything. She didn't realize she had been smiling so much at him. "I don't know what to tell you, Gin. I guess I'm starting to like being around him."

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