Ch. 46

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After they had finished their dinners, Hermione and Ginny had decided that they would head over to the Manor a night early, promising that they would come back and spend the last day of Christmas holidays at the Burrow.

They had both gone in to say goodbye to Mrs. Weasley, who was trying to hide the fact that she had been crying.

"It's alright girls, don't worry about me," She said as they expressed their concern, waving them off. "Just have fun on your trip and be sure to write! And please send pictures!"

They promised to do both and gave her one last hug before leaving the room, heading into the living room where George and Mr. Weasley were. George pulled his sister into a hug for a few moments, then letting her go and extending his arms to Hermione. She gladly hugged him, giggling when she heard a low growl coming from Draco.

"Oh hush you!" She said, looking back at him. "Besides, apparently it was the other twin you had to worry about!"

Draco immediately stopped growling and Hermione laughed, feeling his confusion. George let go of her and shook his head. "You're going to have to explain everything that's happening to me when you get the chance. You need to write to me more, Miss Granger!"

She grinned at him. "I promise I will, George!"

After the girls both hugged Mr. Weasley, everyone went outside where it was now dark, the moon shining brightly over them. George aimed his wand at a few of the lights that lit down the walkway up to the road, giving everyone a bit more light.

"Don't forget to write us!" Mr. Weasley called as he watched the four of them walk away.

Hermione and Ginny waved at them happily while Blaise and Draco nodded and grinned at Mr. Weasley. The boys then took their respective mate's hands and apparated them away.

They landed in front of the gates and a chill went through Hermione. She tightened her cloak around her and stared at the manor that was on the other side of the gates. With it being nighttime, the manor certainly looked as she remembered it: dark and foreboding. As the others stepped through the gates she hesitated to follow, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Draco immediately sensed her hesitation and he gave her hand a squeeze. "I promise everything will be alright. My parents have already retired to their wing for the night, and we've blocked off that room."

Hermione looked up at him and nodded after a few moments. She took a deep breath and walked through the gates, joining the other three as they silently walked up the path leading to the front doors.

Ginny was in awe of the large manor and was eager to see the inside of it, but she knew this place held horrible memories for the others and didn't show her eagerness. Blaise smiled down at her, knowing that she would most likely go off exploring as soon as they get to their rooms.

As soon as they walked in to the manor, Draco immediately led them up the stairs, feeling Hermione's anxiety growing. He knew she most likely wouldn't want to leave the room for the rest of the night, and sighed to himself.

They stopped at the top of the stairs and Draco looked at Blaise. "I'm sure you don't need my help finding your room."

"I might, actually," Blaise said, looking around. "Why is everything different in color? It wasn't like this when we were here earlier."

Draco hadn't been paying attention, but after looking around for the first time he was shocked. The walls were a different color of stone now, more of a soft white instead of the dark beige they were previously. Any dark wall paper was gone, and the previously dark floor was now grey.

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