Ch. 52

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The next few days went by and whenever they were out in the city, Draco noticed that Hermione was constantly looking around. Ginny and Blaise noticed this as well, but they didn't say anything regarding it; they had heard Hermione blow up at Draco from their bedroom on Christmas after dinner, telling him to drop the subject.

Draco and Hermione seemed to be much better after that, but Draco knew that Hermione was hiding her sadness from their friends. He silently plotted what he was going to do, and it finally came to him two nights before New Year's Eve.

"Blaise," He exclaimed suddenly, grabbing the other three's attention. He then cleared his throat and nodded behind him. "Blaise, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh," Blaise raised an eyebrow but stood up. "Yeah, sure."

"We'll be right back, ladies," Draco said as he stood up and grabbed his coat.

Blaise grabbed his as well, thoroughly confused as to why Draco was leading him outside. When they were out of earshot of the girls, Draco began pacing outside but didn't say anything for a few moments.

"Mate, it's snowing," Blaise said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "What is this about?"

"Hermione said a few days ago that she thought she saw her parents," Draco said, still pacing.


"Yeah." Draco looked up but still paced. "They apparently showed up early, and I hadn't planned what I was going to do until now."

"I'm assuming by your pacing that you've come up with an idea?" Blaise asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, and I'm going to need both yours and Ginny's help," Draco said, stopping finally and looking at his friend.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Ginny asked, eyeing the two boys.

Hermione shook her head, watching Draco pace and feeling his anxiety. "I'm not sure. He's anxious about something though."

Ginny then looked back at her friend with wide eyes. "You don't think he'll..."

Hermione looked back and then burst out laughing. "No, Gin, I don't think he's going to propose. He knows it's too early. I told him I wanted to wait at least a year so that we don't blindside everyone."

"Well then I wonder what it is," Ginny said thoughtfully as she turned her attention back to the boys. "It would be rather romantic though if they did propose here. It's too late for Christmas but there's always New Year's."

Hermione's thoughts were a whirlwind now. What if he was going to propose? Did she want him to? She told herself it was too early but at the same time, she knew she was going to spend the rest of her life with him. But she wanted to take things slow now that they were essentially mated for life. She couldn't fully control how quickly that process had happened, but she could control how quickly the rest of the relationship went.

They watched the boys come back in and Draco smiled at her as he kissed her forehead and sat back down next to her. Blaise whispered something in Ginny's ear that was too quiet for Hermione to catch, and her heartrate quickened slightly. She couldn't help but suspect that her friends were in on whatever Draco was planning.

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