Ch. 39

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Hermione had wrapped a thick scarf around her neck for lunch, since the bruises couldn't be concealed with makeup and no amount of healing spells would make the marks go away. Thankfully the weather was starting to cool down quickly, and no one questioned her need for a scarf.

Draco and Hermione entered the Great Hall for breakfast, quickly finding Ginny and Blaise. Ginny and Hermione stared at each other as they both realized they were wearing scarves, and Draco grinned at Blaise.

"I'm guessing good things happened," Draco announced nonchalantly as he sat down opposite of the other couple.

Ginny blushed furiously as Blaise grinned in response, taking her hand and squeezing it. "You'd be correct, but I'm guessing it wasn't just us."

Hermione grabbed a small piece of parchment from her jumper pocket and scribbled quickly on it, passing the note to Ginny who turned the note away from Blaise so she could read it.


Ginny looked up at her friend and nodded. The two girls had practiced while they were getting ready for the ball, and knew that they had it down after a few tries. Hermione silently performed the spell and found herself in Ginny's mind.


The brunette nodded and Ginny smiled. Hermione then thought, You'll have to tell me later what happened. It's too crowded right now and I'd rather the boys not be around but I'm not sure we can help that.

Agreed. And you need to give me every single detail, missy!

Hermione grinned and pulled out of Ginny's mind to find the two Veelas staring at them. She smirked at Draco and began to pile food onto her plate for breakfast. Ginny gave Blaise a similar look, blowing a raspberry at him that he frowned heavily at.

The owls arrived for mail and Hermione was surprised to find an unfamiliar owl drop in front of her, holding out its foot with a small scroll of parchment attached. A sudden feeling of unease hit her as she took the note and gave the owl a treat, ripping the parchment open as the owl flew off. She unfurled the parchment and read the familiar scrawl that was in front of her.


Please meet us at the Three Broomsticks after breakfast. And we really don't want Malfoy and Zabini there.


She frowned at the letter and passed it to Ginny, who read it quickly and then set it down on the table angrily.

"Way to give us plenty of time," She muttered to Hermione.

Blaise and Draco gave the girls a look, and Draco nudged Hermione. "What's wrong?"

She waved him off and said with a sigh, "Harry and Ron want us to meet them in the Three Broomsticks after breakfast. I guess they really want to know what's going on."

Ginny bit her lip and said, "They did say though that they really don't want you two there."

"Well what do you two want?" Blaise asked, looking between Ginny and Hermione.

The girls looked at each other with an understanding and Hermione was the one to speak. "We would like you two to be there, but at the same time we know this would cause an issue with Harry and Ron, and we would rather leave with them understanding rather than them covered in bruises because of a fight they decided to pick with you."

Draco grinned. "At least you admit they're the ones to start the fight."

"Seriously? It's Ron. We know he picks the fights," Ginny scoffed. "He's stubborn and will only focus on you two instead of what we're trying to explain to them. If they don't know you two are there, we have a better chance of getting through to them. And you two would still be near enough to jump in if we need assistance."

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWhere stories live. Discover now