Ch. 27

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Hermione woke up slowly, not opening her eyes as she stretched out her stiff joints. She instantly knew something was different; these sheets were much softer than her own sheets, and the room smelled...wonderful, but not like hers.

She also noticed that she was currently resting on something that was moving.

Lifting her head, she opened her eyes finally and saw that she was laying partially on Draco, with her arm around his stomach and his own around her back. She must have been laying on his chest, but did she fall asleep there?

"What are you worrying about this early in the morning?"

She jumped slightly at the quiet voice, looking up at him. His eyes were still closed but he was smiling slightly and he turned his head to face her, opening one eye.

She smiled slightly despite herself and said, "Just wondering how on earth I got into this position."

He chuckled. "You drank more than half of the Sleeping Draught and passed out almost immediately. I was going to put you in your room, but I don't know what your new password is and I wasn't about to leave you on the couch."

He was watching her carefully, gauging her reactions. He could feel the confusion start to fade away into a struggle between guilt and happiness, and now she was simply content. He couldn't help but feel excited at this, but he saw his mate drop her head to lay it on his chest again and he nearly burst with happiness.

Hermione sighed as she found the comfortable spot between his shoulder and chest, closing her eyes again. She didn't want to move away from him, finding that she was very comfortable with him. She and Ron had cuddled in their short relationship, but she was never fully comfortable with him. With Draco, she could forget the world and be happy.

She felt Draco's arm tighten around her slightly and she smiled. Yes, she was very comfortable with Draco.

Ginny sat nervously next to Blaise at the Slytherin table, trying to ignore the looks she was getting. She wasn't sure why she was still getting looks whenever she sat with Blaise, but it definitely bothered her.

"Don't worry about them," Blaise said quietly to her, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. "They're slow to allow people in."

"I know, but it would be nice if they wouldn't glare at me," Ginny said, putting her head down and focusing on her lunch. "Where do you think Draco and Hermione are? They've been missing all morning."

Blaise gave her a smirk and she smacked him after realizing what he was thinking. "Oh stop, that's not happening. She's not comfortable with that just yet."

"I'm kidding, Red," Blaise laughed. "I know she's not comfortable yet."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "How could you possibly know that?"

He simply took a drink of pumpkin juice, avoiding her eyes. Then he set his cup down and said, "I'm sure they're fine; maybe they're doing Head duties."

"Blaise Zabini, you better tell me right now how you know she's not comfortable."

Sighing, he turned to her and said, "Do you remember when Professor Rhodes said that Veelas have extended hearing?"

She nodded and then her eyes widened, her hand going to her mouth. "Oh god..."

He laughed as he watched her cheeks turn bright red, almost as red as her hair. "Red, you are simply adorable when you're flustered."

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