Ch. 42

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Ginny bolted upright in the middle of the night, wand in hand and pointed at the door. Blaise jumped and nearly fell out of the bed, scrambling to stand up and breathing heavily.

"Ginny!" He exclaimed. "What in the name of Merlin-"

Then he heard the tapping. He drew his wand as well, slowly stepping in front of Ginny and silently opening the door with his wand.

A small piece of parchment flew in, zipping around the room as Blaise and Ginny both relaxed. Ginny grabbed the parchment as it passed her and opened it, quickly reading and then crying out happily.

"Hermione's awake!"

In a flash of red she bolted to grab her robes, not taking the time to change and impatiently waited for Blaise to grab his robes as well and slip on his shoes. Ginny didn't even bother with her shoes as they raced out of the dorm and down the corridor to the Grand Staircase. Ginny took the steps two at a time, grinning at her newfound speed.

Blaise was amazed at how fast Ginny was now, but didn't say anything as they entered the Hospital Wing to see Draco sitting on the other side facing the door with the largest grin on his face. He was holding Hermione's hand, and Hermione was still flat on the bed with her eyes closed, but she also had a smile on her face.

Ginny rushed to her side and said happily, "We were so worried about you! How do you feel?"

"There aren't words to describe how I feel," Hermione answered weakly. "Did someone bring Lockhart in to take away my bones and then feed me Skele-gro?"

The other three laughed and Hermione smiled slightly. Then she groaned as she shifted slightly, and Madam Pomfrey soon appeared with the same set of potions that she had for Ginny. The Matron scoffed at Blaise and Ginny while shaking her head, but she simply said, "I'm going to be giving Miss Granger another Sleeping Draught. She needs to regain her strength. You two can return in the morning. And Mister Malfoy, I suggest you return to your dorm and get some sleep now that Miss Granger is alright."

Draco glared at her slightly and she merely rolled her eyes, muttering something about Veelas under her breath. After she had given Hermione both the pain potion and Sleeping Draught, the brunette was soon fast asleep and the Matron had left.

Ginny looked at Draco and said, "Will you let us know as soon as she wakes up again?"

"Of course," Draco said happily. "You got here very fast, by the way."

She grinned. "I suspect we also received some Veela traits. I can't wait to see what Hermione can do."

Blaise and Ginny left after that, and Draco was able to sleep through the night happily for the first time in a few days, feeling whole again.

Draco woke as soon as he felt Hermione stirring. He opened his eyes to look at his witch. She was radiant in the morning light, and her face was really glowing now.

She finally opened her eyes and turned her head slightly to look at Draco. He smiled down at her, and she smiled in return. He found that her eyes now had flecks of gold in them, setting off the amber tones.

"What?" She asked quietly.

He shook his head, remembering Ginny's small freak out. "Nothing. How are you feeling?"

Hermione sighed and stretched slightly. "It's going to sound weird, but I feel different."

Draco bit his lip. "Different how?"

Loving You - Dramione/Blinny VeelaWhere stories live. Discover now