Chapter 4

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Raven's POV:

I woke up with a smile on my face today. At first I thought it was all a dream, but then I saw a text message from Dr.Fluke and I about had a heart attack.

The message was *Good morning, Raven.*

I sleepily type back. *good morning mr.fluke :-)*

I get up and walk to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal.


My phone. Damn, he replies quick. *How are you this fine morning? And that's DR.Fluke to you. :-p*

I smile at my phone screen and type back. *great, got a bad case of bed head though. and oooh ok sorry DOCTOR ;-)*

I begin to make my bowl of cereal and then I hear my mom call my name.

"Raven, sweetie. Help me up, please." She calls from her bed.

I rush to her room and help her out of bed and into her wheelchair. "Thank you, sweetie."

I smile at my mom, and walk back into the kitchen where I see my phone lit up buzzing.

"Dr.Fluke" is on the caller ID.

What? Whys he calling?

I rush to answer and press the phone to my ear.

Luke's POV:

"Hello?" Her voice floods into my ears and I smile.

"Hi," I say and let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding the whole time the phone was ringing.

I can picture her blushing now.

"What's up?" She says after a few seconds.

"Oh, not much.." God damnit, why did I even call.

"Oh, cool.. So what did you want?" She says.

Fuck it. "I was wondering if you wanted to come by the hotel today. The boys all went out to do some shopping and what not and I'm here alone because I didn't feel like going.." I bite my lip.

She takes a few seconds to answer. "Yeah, I can come by. I just need to eat, get ready, and then help my mom with some stuff.. Give me an hour or so?"

I smile. "Yeah, I'll have a cab come to get you." I mentally smack myself for not having my license at 17 years old.

"Okay." She says cheerfully and hangs up the phone.

I put down my phone, and lay back on the bed, and scroll through twitter. This is gonna be the longest hour of my life. I sigh.

Raven's POV:

I scream inside my head at the fact that I'm going to see Luke again. "Mom," I call for her to come in the kitchen to get the bowl of cereal I made for her.

She rolls out into the kitchen, and takes the bowl and begins to eat.

"Can you get Amy to help you again today?" I ask softly, between bites of cereal.

"I suppose so.. Why?" She doesn't look up from her bowl.

"Luke called and asked if I wanted to come to the hotel and I said sure, and he said he'll have a cab come for me in an hour."

She smiles really big and looks at me. "Oh my gosh, sweetie. That's so great. Yes, yes, of course Amy can help me. Come here and hug me." She holds her arms out.

I walk across the kitchen and bend down to hug her. "Thanks, mom," I giggle.

"Two days ago you were just gushing about how much you love him and now you're actually spending time with him!" She releases me from the hug and smiles up at me.

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