Chapter 9

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(A/N: prepare for some feels :-) hope you guys are enjoying this xx)

Luke's POV:

I wake up to the sound of Raven's mom walking through the door and when I look at the clock, it says 12AM.

I feel Raven lightly breathing next to me and I lay with her for longer. When her mom peaks her head in to check on us, I pretend to sleep and I can hear her sigh, and then close the door.

I smile and prop myself up on one elbow.

"Raven," I whisper.

"Mmm?" She groans sleepily.

"Your mom's home." I smile at her through the darkness.

"Okay." She says and reaches for my hair, gently running her fingers through it.

She surprises me with a question. "How long are you in London?"

Shit. "I leave tomorrow."

Her hands move from my hair and she turns, facing the wall instead of me.

"Raven, I didn't mean to hurt you." I put my hand on her shoulder.

She sniffles. "What's gonna happen to us?"

Us? "I.. I don't know.." I admit. I have no clue how anything like this could work. I'm on tour and she can't just drop everything and come with me. Plus the fans wouldn't like her always hanging around.. They've already seen me with her enough and all I see on twitter is them complaining and asking who she is.

"What even are we?" She's sobbing.

I can't answer. Not because I don't know, but because I don't want to hurt her anymore. I feel so bad. I want to cry with her. I feel it coming, my throat closing up, not allowing me to answer without the tears spilling over my eyes.

She sits up, and turns to face me. "If this is about the rest of the 5sos fam, you know they'd be okay with it, Luke. I'm a part of them, and I know them!" She cries.

"Would they be okay with it?" I manage to choke out, as I pull out my phone and open twitter and allow her to scroll through it.

Her hand flies to her mouth. "Oh my god, are we really this terrible?" She sobs.

"They'll never let us boys be with anyone, happily," I choke out, feeling my throat close up even more with every word.

She keeps scrolling and horror covers her face. "They're all pictures of me.." Her sobs have turned into hurt sounding whispers.

"Calum was in love with a fan once. She was from Ireland. But the fans went ballistic and he cut things off with her, for them," I admit to her.

"I remember." She says and I can't tell which emotion she is right now.

I lay back down and think about options here. I like Raven a lot and I can't let her go so easily.

Raven's POV:

After about an hour of laying down again, Luke speaks up.

"You can't come with me. On tour," he sounds completely collected unlike an hour ago when he looked so close to breaking down because of us. The fans. "But, I'm willing to fly you out to see me every 3 weeks. If you want," he quickly explains.

"Luke, I can't let you do that and spend all that money. And what about the rest of the fans? It's not fair to them for us to be going around behind their backs." I'm crying again. Great.

He sits up, and wipes the tears from my face. "Then we won't hide it." He smiles.

"What?" I give him a small smile.

"Let's take a picture." He pulls out his phone again, and he pulls me in close, kisses me on the cheek, and snaps the picture.

He shows me. "I like it." I giggle.

I see him pull up twitter, and start typing a tweet. When he sends it, I quickly go on to my twitter and look at it.

"Luke5SOS: Meet Raven ❤️"

I quickly favorite it and hug him. "You're so good to me," I whisper in his ear.

He places kisses into my hair. "So you'll do it then? Come see me every few weeks?" He pleas.

I pull him away, my hands on his shoulders and I look him in the eyes. "Of course." I place my hand on the back of his neck, and pull him towards me. When his lips meet mine, my fingers run through his hair, and I smile against his lips before pulling away.

"I love you." Luke blurts.

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