Chapter 19

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Raven's POV:

"Guess what?" Luke says from my phone. I have it on speaker sitting next to me on my bed as I work on my homework for my online classes.

"What?" I say while typing with a smile on my face.

"One more week." I can feel his happiness coming through our phones as he speaks, his voice is groggy and raspy because it's the morning where he is, and night time where I am.

"I know, that's why I'm getting as much school work done as possible." I remind him. "We should facetime." 

"Uh, I can't right now. Calum is sleeping, and it's dark in our room right now anyways." He takes his time answering me.

"Okay," I frown even though he can't see me.


One week later, here I am standing at the airport in Michigan in the United States, waiting for Luke's car to pull up and get me. I look down at the ground to my feet and try to kick some dirt off of my old vans as I wait.

"Oh my god, hey," an all-too-familiar voice says and I turn around only to reveal Jenn, and I try my best to give her a smile.

"Hi." I say through my teeth.

"Waiting for Luke?" She asks, staring at me with big eyes.

"Yep." I say, and avoid her stare.

"I'm just catching a flight back to LA." She smirks.

"Why were you here?" I dare to ask her.

"My friend Lauren lives here with her parents and I stayed for the weekend before leaving." She simply says.

"Ahh." I nod.

"Well, I got a plane to catch." She smiles and then her eyes move to behind me. "Have fun." She nods towards the back of me, and I turn around, surprised by Luke towering over me, as we bump into each other.

"Hi." I look up at him while smiling.

"Hey." His eyebrows are scrunched together and he looks flustered. "What did she want?" He glares at Jenn as she walks away.

"She was just making small talk before her flight. Why? What's wrong?" I furrow my eyebrows together at him as he keeps glaring at her.

"Nothing." He fixes his gaze back on me, and then takes me into his long arms, squeezing me and embracing me. I pull my arms around his body, and lean my head against his chest. I take in his scent, the smell I love, his body wash. 

I chew on my bottom lip as he pulls away and smiles at me. "I missed you." He looks into my eyes, and I stare into his blue ones.

"I missed you too." I say while smiling, and then rub my eyes. It's been a sleepless 16 hours and I'm feeling jetlagged. "I'm super tired though." I whine, and realize that it would be 3 a.m. back in London right now.

He smiles and places his hand on the small of my back, leading me to the car. "Well, lets get you to the hotel then. We can nap together," He grins as he sits down next to me in the car.

It only takes a few minutes surprisingly to get to the hotel, and Luke grasps my hand tightly while pulling me through the doors of the hotel. Once we're in the room, he pins me up against the nearest wall, my arms over my head, and his face only an inch away from mine. 

He takes me by surprise and kisses me, leaving me breathless and gasping for air when he pulls away. He smiles and then lets me go. "I just needed that. Sorry," He picks up my duffle bag and sets it beside our bed, and then pats the bed, gesturing for me to lay down.

I slip my vans off by the door, pull the beanie off of my head, and walk towards the bed. Once I get to the bed, I peal my leggings off, and then unclasp my bra from under my shirt, taking it off and setting them in a pile next to the bed. I slip under the covers, and Luke joins me from behind, snaking an arm around my waist. His breath is hot against my hair, but it soothes me.

He hums 'Drive' by Incubus and my eyes flutter closed as I fall into a deep sleep.


ok i'm so sorry but this chapter is kinda like a filler bc i felt like i needed to update but also i need somewhere to go from this and yeah i figured since my last chapter was an ok length this one could be kinda short idk??? whatever floats ya boat. please vote ;-) hahahhahah not only can i write, i can also rhyme. :p

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