Chapter 28

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two updates in one day hellz ya praise me bitchez 

omfg jk but pls love me



"Luke?" Raven's voice was shaky and she was crying.

"Raven? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I worriedly ask her, still surprised that she answered. Calum told me that he visited her and I wanted to know what happened, what they talked about.. Hell, I just wanted to hear about her. 

The line immediately went dead after I asked those questions, and I quickly tried calling back. No answer. Fuck. After I try calling about ten more times, I hop off my hotel bed and call for a taxi.

"Where are you going?" Michael asks me, standing up from the bed he was laying on with his laptop.

"To see her." I blankly state.

"Raven?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, why?" I snap.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He slowly tells me, as if he's afraid he'll set a bomb off if he says too much.

"I don't care, she was crying." I huff, turning my back to him.

"She was probably crying because of you!" He shouts at me, and I walk out of the hotel room, using long strides to get to the elevator. 

After hitting the lobby button in the elevator several times, it finally reaches the bottom floor, and I run out and get into the taxi.

"Where to?" The man asks me and pulls off the side of the road.

After telling him Raven's address, he begins to drive and soon enough we're stuck in a traffic jam. Just fucking great, I think to myself.

I look out the window to see where we are. It's hard to see because it's pouring rain. I make out that we're about two blocks from Raven's apartment, so I hand him a fist full of cash, and get out of the car, running to the sidewalk, and running all the way to Raven's apartment, not caring about how soaked I'm getting from the rain.

Once inside Raven's apartment building, I get tons of stares. They're probably thinking I'm some sort of crazy man, because well, me not being the active type, my chest is rising up and down as I breathe heavily, and my clothes are completely soaked, making them stick to my thin and lanky body.

I rush to the stairs and begin to climb up them. I run into a vaguely familiar woman - she's too familiar. 

We practically bang into each other and I look her up and down before realizing who she is. It's Raven's moms' friend. My eyes go wide. "Oh, uh, sorry," I rush and try to push past her but her thin hand stops me.

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