Chapter One

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The reason why my family originally moved to Colorado is because of a dangerous family secret. Starting out in a new town again this year is something I'm dreading. My family has been moving around for as long as I can remember. My Dad at the time had this very corporate job that had us moving quite often. When he had passed away eight months ago things changed.

My mom decided that this move was going to be our last. It would give us a chance to put down some roots and make some memories together as a family. Without my dad.

I wasn't really excited about this move mainly because with each time we've moved in the past four years. It's been difficult for me to make friends. So I've been standoffish towards meeting anyone new. I knew my older brother, Tanner, was worried about me. He also knew I could take care of myself.

My two twin seven-year-old little brothers, Dallen and Daniel, were excited to finally have a place to call home. My older sister Katherine, on the other hand, wasn't so enthusiastic about this move, to begin with. For her, it meant leaving her boyfriend back in Phoenix behind.

The drive was very long and tiresome. Also a bit cramped with Dallen asleep with his head on my lap. I tried moving him, but he wouldn't budge. Tanner asks, "Is he still sleeping?"

"Yup," I replied.

Tanner then asks, "What is he listening to?"

I pulled out Dallen's iPod from his pocket and scrolled through his playlist, "He's listening to another one of those hypnosis recordings he likes."

Finally, we pulled up to the house as my mom carefully wakes up Dallen. She then says to all of us, "I know things have been very hard for you guys with the move, but I promise you things will be better here this time."

Tanner asks sounding like he was second-guessing mom, "Are we really gonna stay?"

"Yes, Tanner." Mom answered. "We're staying."

"Do I still have to go to school mom?" I asked.

We all started getting out of the van as mom answers me, "I want you to at least try it out."

I walked over to my mom almost in tears, "But mom. What if the kids here don't like me?"

Tanner replies, "Don't let what they say bother you and if they have a problem with you they can deal with me."

Tanner then reassuringly hugs me as I told him, "I don't need you to fight my battles for me."

"I'm your big brother it's my job." He replied with a big grin.

My mom then says, "Just try it out and if things don't work out I will take you out of school at the end of the semester." She then gives me a hug and says, "Just promise me you'll try."

"I will momma," I answered.

Everyone was out if the van unloading boxes and bringing stuff inside. Except for Katherine, whose pouting in the backseat. Tanner went to go and try to talk to her, but he comes back minutes later angry and soaked in iced coffee. My mom looks at me and I knowingly know she wants me to try and talk to her. I put my sandals on and walked out to the van, "Hey."

Katherine glances at me but doesn't say a word. I sat down in front of her, "Why did you do that to Tanner?"

She then says, "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"Just go, Taylor!" She snapped.

I told her, "No." Katherine then tries to push me out of the van with her left foot. So I quickly grabbed her by the ankle before she had a chance to push me out and slammed her foot back down on the floor. I warned her, "Don't even try picking a fight with me!"

Katherine then says, "What are you going to do Taylor? You wouldn't understand what I'm going through so just go."

I told her, "Your right I don't know what's going on." I stopped myself because I felt an argument brewing. I told her, "You know what. I'm not going to get into this with you. It's honestly pointless trying to get through to you when you're acting like a spoiled brat."

"I'm done with this."

I hopped out of the van as I said to Katherine, "Figure out what your problem is. Get over it and grow up."

It's now 10:30 and I'm getting ready to go to sleep. For some reason now I felt like I was being watched. And pulled out my mini Lantern in the next thing I notice is someone peeking at me with a pair of binoculars. So I grabbed one of my knives, attached a note, 

 So I grabbed one of my knives, attached a note, 

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and threw it at the window. I waited in my window for the little peeper to show themselves.

The first thing I saw was a hand turning on a desk lamp. I hung my mini Lantern on a hook as the peeper showed his face. "You want to tell me why you're peeking into my room?" I asked.

He answers sounding embarrassed, "I wasn't looking at you. I was looking at the stuff you have on your wall there."

I pointed to one of my paintings I had hung up, "Those canvases there?"

"Yeah." He answered. "They're amazing."

"Thank you." I half-smiled.

He pulls out the knife I threw out the side of his house, "Nice throw by the way

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He pulls out the knife I threw out the side of his house, "Nice throw by the way."

"I had to get your attention somehow," I replied coyly.

"So I couldn't happen to notice that you just moved in."

"You are correct."

"Everything going okay for you guys?"

"Long story," I replied. I don't know if I should be telling him anything really.

He then says, "Well then I'll just hold on to this. Maybe if we run into each other tomorrow we can talk."

He seems nice though. "I'll hold you to that," I answered.




"Goodnight Jonathan."

"See you tomorrow Taylor."

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