Chapter Two

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The following morning mom drove us all to school. The five of us sat in the main office while mom was talking with the school principal. Katherine mutters in my ear, "Who were you talking to last night?" I didn't answer her.

Mom walks out with the principal so he could introduce himself to us, "Hi kids I'm Mr. Sanderson. I just wanted to come out here to meet you guys and answer any questions you might have."

Dallen and Daniel left with mom to go to their classroom, "I'll be right back."

None of us wanted to say anything so he just handed us our schedules inside a small folder. I looked at my schedule and asked, "Why do all of these seem like elective classes?"

Mr. Sanderson explains, "When the school board reviewed all of your records we were impressed with each of your levels of education. We only have a select few students here that match the three of you."

"That doesn't explain the electives."

"I discussed this with your mother that with each of you I thought it best we have each of you in classes that help expand your already existing talents. Tanner, I've had you are quiet an excellent Craftsmen."

"Thank you sir." Tanner replied.

Mr. Sanderson then says to Katherine, "Katherine I've heard that you are a marvelous chef and quite the gymnast." Katherine doesn't say anything, but she did smile a little. "And Taylor!" Said Mr. Sanderson. "The young lady of many talents. Your mother has shown me some of your paintings and may I say that they are absolutely incredible."

I smiled, "Thanks."

After our 20 minute chat with the principal of Katherine, Tanner, and I split up. I got a little nervous when Tanner left my side, but I just kept as calm as I could. I looked down at my schedule, 'Locker 392'. As I was flipping through my paperwork looking at my class schedule I had gotten distracted by a fast whistling sound rushing towards me. Quickly I dropped my stuff and caught a football that almost pegged me in the back of the head.

I looked at the ball and it had 'LOSER' written on it. Across from me was a group of five guys smirking and laughing at me and one of them says to me, "My bad sweetheart!"

UGH! One of my biggest pet peeves is being called 'sweetheart'. So without breaking eye contact I picked up my stuff and put it in my bag. Pulled out my silver Sharpie and wrote him a little message 'douche'. I put that back in my bag and threw the ball back as hard as I could.

He lost his balance when the ball hit him in the chest. I chuckled a little. "Nice throw." I turned around and saw this tall redhead. "I'm Lelia."

She then points out, "That and I over there is my ex-boyfriend Kyle."

"Taylor," I replied.

Lelia was surprisingly the first person who seemed to be interested in getting to know me. It made me feel good knowing I made a possible friend. "You must be new?" She asked.

"And somewhat lost," I added.

"Well, you seem to have found your locker okay." She replied.

We both laughed as I heard, "Hey neighbor." I turned around and saw Jonathan walking in our direction. He gives me a friendly hug as he says, "It's good to see you."

I blushed, "Same to you."

Jonathan then asks, "What class do you have right now?"

I looked at my schedule, "Advanced P.E."

Lelia then says, "That's actually where we are heading."

"Cool!" I replied with excitement. Well looks like things are going good so far. Hope they stay that way.

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