Chapter Thirteen

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We arrived at the airport at around midnight. We met up with a pilot by the name is Caleb Whittier that Darius hired to fly us all in a private jet. One by one all of us piled out of the van and my jaw dropped when I saw the size of the plane. Katherine asks, "What is it?"

I told her, "Do you think it's strange that I could like this part of our new lifestyle?"

Jon answers, "Yes." He laughed at me as I swatted him on his shoulder. Jon just kept on laughing, "Oh! Someone's feisty!"

Daniel is really excited as he shouted, "This. Is. So. COOL!"

I was happy that he was trying to look on the bright side of things. Granted all of us for keeping both of the boys in the dark about what was going on. Jon and I followed behind him as we boarded the plane. Lelia went back into the van because she had to get Dallen. Dallen had fallen asleep on the drive over here.

Lelia whispers to him, "Dallen. Wake up, you're missing the really cool jet here buddy!"

Dallen grumbles in his sleep, "Psh!"

Lelia giggles silently, "Okay?" She carefully picks him up and walks over to the plane.

Darius finishes loading the last of the gear as he approached Lelia, "I can take him. The steps are quite steep."

She carefully hands Dallen over to Darius. I couldn't help a notice between the two of them there was a moment where they just stared at each other. If only I could read minds. Dallen asks half asleep, "Where are we going?"

Darius smiles at Lelia and answers Dallen, "We're going on an adventure my young friend."

Once all of us were on the plane and Darius got Dallen settled in it was time for us to take off. I curled next to Jonathan as I asked, "What's your plan for tomorrow?"

Jonathan answers, "We'll discuss that in the morning. For now, we need to get some rest."

Currently, we are about 2 hours away from landing in Maine. I woke up overhearing a plan being discussed. Are you kidding me?! "What's going on?" I mumbled.

I got up and walked over to sit on Jon's lap as Darius says, "All of us have been talking about it for about an hour now. We think it's best that once we land. We split up."

I quickly turned a Jon can give him that look of 'Are you agreeing with this?' he just kept silent. I looked away from him as I rolled my eyes, unbelievable. I was shocked and mostly just irritated that they all discuss this without including me. "Why am I just now hearing about this?" I asked. "If there was any discussion of a plan you guys should have woke me up!"

Katherine then says, "Taylor we don't have much of a choice what happens once we land. We're on a limited amount of time to get to where mom wants us to be and God knows who's trailing behind us from division 5."

I hate when she is right. I honestly wanted to scream at everyone especially Jon, but it was clear that I had no choice or say on what was going to happen. "What are options then?" I asked sounding irritated.

Darius answers, "Lelia and I will be going 1 route. Heather, Jon, and Katherine will be going another. Nick and one of my other guards will stay on the jet with the boys and meet up at the location your mom gave us."

"I am not happy at all with this plan because you were leaving me as bait!" I snapped.

Katherine then goes off on me, "I don't like to plan either Taylor! Mom trusted me to look out for the boys!"

"And leaving them with someone we don't even know is looking out for them!"

All hell breaks loose when everyone just started screaming at each other. Dallen and Daniel knew that when there was an argument and that they would put their headphones on. Keeping them from hearing anything that weren't supposed to hear. Almost 20 minutes to landing Nick finally just yells out, "Everybody just shut the hell up!" All of us just went silent to hear what Nick had to say, "Taylor you going alone is completely stupid on my brother's part for thinking that."

"However in order to find Tanner, you have a better chance in tracking him down. Jon I know is worried about your safety so I will trail along behind you."

"Fine," I replied. There was no use in arguing anymore about our plan. However, I'm still a little irritated that Jon never thought to include me in this conversation beforehand.

Nick then looks over at Katherine and says, "I agree that you should stay with the boys. Caleb will stay with you and keep you and the boys safe." He then says, "Jon and heather will go one way. Lelia and Darius will go another." Nick then asks everyone, "Is that clear?"

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