Chapter Fourteen

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Once the plane touched down, I had to talk with Caleb before I could have a hard conversation with Dallen and Daniel. I approached him as he was packing up a bag for Nick. "Caleb, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked.

He answers, "Yes ma'am."

Most of the time, when someone calls me 'ma'am', it meant that they were younger than me. "How old are you Caleb?" I asked.

Caleb answers, "16."

"How long have you know about all of this?"

"I've known for about four years now. I've been in hiding for a year now since my parents went missing."

"Do you know what happened to them?"

"Sadly, I don't. I suspected that Division Five has something to do with it. I have faith that I will see them again." I smiled at how positive this young boy was looking at all of this. I admired that about him. Caleb then asks me, "I have a feeling that you aren't interested in talking about my family. What is on your mind Mrs. Mason?"

There isn't any need for the formalities between us. I'm like two years older than him. "I need you to promise me something Caleb," I whispered.

"Anything." He responded.

"Would you do anything to protect your family?"

"With my life."

"I need you to make that promise by protecting my family. The boys are in the dark about this whole thing, and I would like them to know the truth from our mother. Not by staring down the barrel of a gun."

While telling him this, I was shaking because I was choking back tears. Caleb quickly hugs me and whispers in my ear, "I promise that they will be safe. All three of them. I will never let them leave my sight."

"Thank you," I replied.

I wiped my tears away as Jon gently tapped me on the shoulder, "I'll be waiting outside with the others."

Jon knew that saying goodbye to Katherine, and the boys was going to be hard for me. However, I needed to do it alone.

I had sat down with all three of them and told them I was leaving. Although I said a half-truth to the boys. I thought that it was best if they weren't so far in the dark. Right now, with the knowledge, they already have about what's going on. They are standing 3 feet away from the door, just barely seeing the truth.

Katherine right now had a more manageable task while I had to leave to find Tanner. I waved goodbye to them as the plane took off. The only thing I worried about with them not being close to me is that they are going to see something traumatizing. All of this right was heartbreaking. The most important thing that we all agreed on was that the boys need to be safe.

We all turned around and saw to black SUVs pull up behind us, and it was apparent that we were separating and possibly may never see each other for a long time or ever again. 


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