Chapter Five

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"Clark, have you seen Jon?" Asked Jonathan's Mom.

Jonathan's Dad looked up from his dinner plate, "No I haven't." He then says, "He's probably still out with that girl from next door."

Jonathan's mom then replies, "It's not like him though to be out this late."

The front door bursts open as Jonathan's sister, Heather, comes running inside. "Mom help!" Shouted Heather.

Jonathan had carried me inside covered in my blood, "Taylor and I were shot."

Jonathan's Dad, Clark, grabs a blanket and drapes it over there kitchen counter. He then tells Jonathan, "Put her up here son."

I was trembling as I told Jonathan, "I'm so cold."

"Your gonna be okay." He replied sounding very panicked.

Jonathan held me close to keep me warm. Jonathan's mom, Andrea, comes running over with a medical bag as she asks sounding very angry, "Either one of you wanna explain to me what the hell happened?"

I tried answering the best I could, "Jon and I were downtown. Talking while sitting at an open park bench." I took a deep breath to relieve myself of pain. I continued on, "I don't know how long it had been when the shooters came out."

Andrea then asks, "How many of them were there?"

"Six," Jon answered. He then pulls out the dog tags from his pocket, "I took this from one of them."

Clark takes the dog tags from Jon and says, "I'm gonna go make a phone call."

My mom comes barging in with my brother Tanner just as Andrea tells me, "Everything is gonna be okay Taylor. I just need to take the bullet out and then I can patch you up."

"What happened?" My mom asked.

Jon answers, "I'm not 100% sure."

OH MY GOD! I squeezed Jon's hand as I felt his mom take the bullet out of my thigh. Andrea then says, "There we go. Looks like it was just a flesh wound, no muscle damage. I'd say your very lucky Taylor."

Andrea wipes up a spot of blood and says, "I'm just gonna stitch you up now."

I told Andrea, "Thank you, Mrs. Mason."

My mom kisses my head and I could just feel how scared she was as she told me, "No more going out after dark. Understood."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied.

While Jon's mom was wrapping up my leg. I couldn't help but overhear Jon's Dad on the phone. All I could hear was him saying, "We are at F con one." Looks like my parents aren't the only ones hiding things.

Tanner lifts me up and carried me out as I waved goodbye to Jon's parents. Andrea then says, "Goodnight."

The next day I woke up in a lot of pain, but all I wanted was to go to school to see Jon. I arrived at the school during my third-period class as I opened my locker to grab what I needed. When I closed my locker door Kyle was standing right there next to my trying to look all cool and suave. He then says to me as he gently caressed my right arm, "LePree. You look even better when you're alone."

Creep! I told Kyle as I started backing off, "Leave me alone Kyle."

The kid was coming off a classified stalker and it was scaring me a little bit. I tried walking away, but he jumped in front of me. Kyle then asks, "What's the matter sweetness?"

"She got shot last night!" Heather snapped. Sister the rescue! She stands next to me and tells him off, "I don't think she wants to be harassed by you. Now move or I'll move you myself."

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