Chapter Nine

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Last night was a rough night due to the fact that I kept waking up off and on almost every hour. It was very hard for me to keep my eyes open. 

I glanced over at the alarm clock

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I glanced over at the alarm clock. 7:50 a.m. I sighed as I turned back face-first into my pillow.

Jon comes out of the bathroom barefoot, jeans, and no shirt. He says, "Babe." Jon then climbs into bed and wakes me up with kisses, "You got to wake up."

I turn over to look at him and the first thing I noticed was his hair. "Your hair!" I smiled. "It looks awesome!"

Jon before she had dark brown hair and he always had it spiky. Now he actually looks handsome with the blond hair, his big blue eyes, and perfect white teeth. Jon smiled at me as I ran my fingers through his hair, "I'm glad you like it."

Heather and Lelia walk in and also had dyed their hair. Heather had dyed her hair almost like a velvety red it actually suited her personality. I knew she was more of a redhead at heart. Lelia had dyed her hair a chocolate brown which made sense cuz she was actually calmer. Lelia then sets a tray of food down for me as she then tells me, "Eat up."

"What's the plan again?" Heather asked.

Jon answers Heather, "After Taylor finishes up here. I'm going to take care of her hair while you guys pack up."

"Where does Darius want us to meet him?" Lelia asked.

I turned on my Scrambler so no one can hear us. "Graceland wedding chapel," I answered.

Heather then asks, "Isn't that an Elvis themed Chapel?"


"What does Darius want from us?"

"Darius just wants to help us out. The note he left for me sad that people came for him about a month ago. So far he's been hiding out here in Vegas for about 4 weeks. Darius feels that they're on to him but so far they haven't been able to find him." I answered.

Jon then adds, "And that is one of the perks of living in Vegas. There's a lot of people here."

Lelia then asks me, "What is his plan for all of us?"

I explained to her, "Darius has tickets for all of us to fly to Maine. He thinks Tanner might be there."

Heather then says, "Well we'll just have to find out when we got there."

While Heather and Lelia were packing up our stuff Jon was dying my hair black. The bathroom sink was perfect enough for me to be able to rest my head while Jon was rising a dye from my hair. Jon was smirking the whole time because he had to stand over me. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

He answers with a big grin on his face, "Maybe." Jon then leans in to kiss me. He then says, "Alright. All done here just need to dry you off."

Jon puts a towel on my head and starts doing me off. "Hey!" I laughed. We both turned to look at ourselves in the mirror as I said, "If only my mom could see us now."

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