Chapter Eleven

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My mind was completely blown when I heard Lelia agree to marry Darius. A part of me was feeling very surprised, but a tiny part of me thought that something was sparking between those two. Darius is a good guy, and I feel like if a relationship were to form out of this shall I say a predicament. I'm all for it because they would be fantastic for each other. However, I'm not going to push then into anything.

Let it happen naturally.

My heart was pounding, and my hands were shaking as Heather was helping me get ready. Holy shit! I'm getting married! A part of me is thrilled, but the other part of me is saying that this doesn't feel right. The idea of eloping felt like I was going against what I wanted from when I was a kid and what my family would have wished for Jon and me.

The one thing I was worried about was what Jon was going to think. I don't want him to take it the wrong way, but I'm hoping he'll understand. We both heard a knock on the door, "Taylor, are you almost ready?"


"What is it?" Jon asked.

Heather then says to both of us, "I'll be out into chapel."

Heather leaves as Jon then asks, "What is the matter?"

I told him, "This doesn't feel right."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I've been explained to him, "I mean this isn't how I pictured getting married. I wanted to have a small wedding with close family and friends they're witnessing everything. And to have Tanner walk me down the aisle."

I started choking back tears when Jon then says to me, "Come here."

He wrapped his arms around me as I took a few calming breaths. I let out a small sigh I finally told Jon how I felt, "You are the most amazing man I've ever met in my life. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't have come into my life. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time."

I fell Jon kind of tense up when I said what I said. This made me nervous at first, but he then kisses the top of my head. I got all of those warm fuzzies you feel when you're in love with someone. I've never felt like that towards any other person until I meant Jon. "How about we just exchanged our rings and say our 'I do's'?"

"You read my mind," I replied.

Jon kisses me deeply and then tells me, "I promise you once all of this is over. We will have the wedding we deserve."

Walking out into the chapel, seeing everyone there felt somewhat nice. Lelia and Darius had already filled out the paperwork for them to be legally married. Jon was on the left with Daniel as his best man. So cute! Katherine was on the right as my maid of honor.

Another one of Darius's security guards appears with a marriage license for Jon and I to sign nearly startling me when I saw who it was. "Nick!" I gasped.

He smiles, "Hello Taylor. It's good to see you again. Nick then hands me a pen to sign the marriage license. Done! I handed it back to him, "Congratulations."

I told him, "Thank you." I then felt a tug on my shirt as I turned around to see Dallen looking upset. I knelt down in front of him as I asked, "What's the matter, bud?"

He says wiping his nose, "I know you really wanted Tanner to walk you down the aisle!" Dallen sniffles and asks, "Since he can't be here, can I do it?"

Aww! I gave him a big bear hug, "Of course you can buddy." I then kissed him on his forehead, "I love you so much."

I stood back up, Dallen took my hand, and we walked down the aisle. Jon was smiling as he shook Dallen's hand. One of Darius's security guards was the man that was going to marry us. His first language is Bulgarian, but to my surprise, he spoke perfect English. He asks Jon, "Do you Jonathan Mason take Taylor LePree to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Do you promise to be loyal to her? Protect her? Comfort her? Until death do you part?"

Jon answers as he put the ring on my finger, "I do."

My turn. "Do you Taylor LePree take Jonathan Mason to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to be loyal to him? Protect him? Comfort him?"

"Until death do you part?"

"I do," I answered as I put the ring on Jon's finger.

Just before he could say 'I pronounce,' a bullet grazes his shoulder

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Just before he could say 'I pronounce,' a bullet grazes his shoulder. We turn around to see Ingrid with Kyle. Kyle lowered his gun and said, "I object."


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