∞ of Fourteen

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 (February 7th, 2015)

  "What the hell?" I heard a scream and fell out of bed, rubbing my eyes and then looked up, narrowing them at Jeremy who just woke me up for no reason at all.

  "Why are you yelling at six in the morning? What in the world of all around us is wrong with you?" I asked, growing angrier by each minute of looking at his emotionless expression.

  "What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! You're the one who got a tattoo," he yelled, his face growing red and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, looking down at my crumpled shirt that rolled up and gathered up at my chest, perhaps in my sleep. I groaned when I saw the white sachet from the tattoo, off.

  "I do what I want. I wanted to get a tattoo and so I got it, do you have a problem with it? Well, it's your problem and not mine," I stated, raising my eyebrow at him.

  He still looked angry and he looked like he was about to say something and explode a little after, but decided against it and so I ignored his glares and tried to go back to sleep which did not happen because it seemed like Jeremy had other plans anyway. He pulled me closer to his inked chest and massaged my back.

  "Jeremy, please.." I trailed off, trying to tell him to stop, but both of us knew that that was the last thing I wanted right now.

  "As much as I hate the fact that you got a tattoo, I have got to admit it looks hot," he whispered into my ear. I could feel him grinning by the tone of his voice and it took everything in me not to smile, not to give him the pleasure of seeing me smile. As much as his approval was never asked for or needed, it was still nice to know that he approves of something that I do, especially the fact that we have to work on getting along since we are one, married and two, live under one roof.

  Living under one roof with the same person that you tried running away from was not easy. Living witht hem under one roof and making love to them because you had natural chemistry was complicated. Living with them under one roof, married by a signed contract and played wedding and trying to be friends, is completely out of this world and I think that the world might collapse from its heaviness onto my shoulders for I can't hold it anymore.

  "Please.." I said again, but it came out more as a whisper that anyone would refuse to take as a demand.

  "Cassidy," he groaned, flipping me over by the waist to face him. He looked me straight in the eyes and I gulped. I definitely knew what was coming. I found him grinning mischievously and my eyes widened at his enthusiasm.

  "You have to be at work now, Jeremy. Please let go off me so that I can prepare breakfast for you and myself of course," I said like I was talking to a kid, as slow as possible and pointing my finger out the door, in case the kid did not understand. Only, he wasn't a kid and he sure as hell can understand.

  "Work can wait and I can prepare breakfast on my own," he replied, his voice getting huskier by the minute and I couldn't help the pool in my stomach that was growing in need.

  "The last time you tried, you burned the kitchen," I argued, knowing that it would never lead to something good. It never does. Me and Jeremy together are like the fire and water, never good together, but strong apart.

  "Which means this time, I'll have to have something else for breakfast," he said, winking at me as he played with the hem of my shirt and I sighed which made him smile in return.

  It never amazed me how perverted his mind was. It always lead to no good. 

  I took of his shirt and slowly ran my finger down his inked torso, tracing each picture that was inked into him, teasing him and he groaned, making me smirk back at him. I wasn't the type to tease, but a physical monopoly was definitely something I would never forget.

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