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As quickly as Jungkook could manage, he begrudgingly knocked out Nayeon with the handle of his gun and hastily took out a syringe to inject into Y/N, who was stunned in fear and watched the scene unfold before her eyes. Jungkook softly grabbed her shaking arm and injected the serum to knock his Senpai out painlessly. He stroked her hair lovingly and gently lie her down.

Jungkook knew the gunshots alerted security, so he dragged Y/N and Nayeon into the supply closet--and made sure to carefully pick up the bleeding teacher so there wouldn't be an obvious smear of his blood leading to the closet he hid in. Jungkook pressed his ear against the closed door and heard the heavy footsteps of two security guards and mumbles of incoherent words. Gradually, they left and went to alert the police about the large puddle of blood on the ground.

The masked-boy let out a sigh of relief and turned towards one corpse, two unconscious girls in a cramped closet.

= = = =

The sly boy decided to get rid of the dead body with cremation. Jungkook discreetly carried the dead man onto his back and made his way towards the disposal facility in the janitor's shed. He walked up to the incinerator for compost trash and threw the large corpse in. He turned the machine on and used the rest of his lunch break cleaning himself and making himself look presentable by changing his bloody uniform with the spare he left behind last time he disposed of a body. Jungkook retraced his spots and strictly made sure there was no blood trail or drops.

Alas, Jungkook had to continue school, but came back for the girls later that night and took him to his home. Thankfully, Jungkook lived independently alone so he didn't have to worry about his parents catching him. Not even his parents can know about the evil deeds he's done.

He harshly forced Nayeon onto the cement floor in his basement and proceeded to lovingly carry his Senpai bridal style to his bedroom. Jungkook lies Y/N onto the bed and stroked her hair as he admired her features.

Jungkook took this moment as an opportunity to take pictures of his Senpai and pin them to his corkboard hanging above his desk. He brought out his expensive camera and snapped some shots of Y/N sprawled onto his bed, unconscious.

A quivering grin grew on his face as he went a bit far with taking pictures. He changed her position multiple times and took several pictures. If it weren't for the left-over good in his heart, he would've done so many lewd things to her, like stripping her naked and capturing that beautiful scene. However, Jungkook knew that was just right out wrong and pushed those thoughts aside.

He sighed longingly as he rested his face on the palm of his chin, staring at his Senpai resting peacefully on his bed. Jungkook knew she wouldn't wake up just yet, so he took the rest of the time he had to admire her after waiting for the pictures he took to print.

"I've always dreamed of her resting on my bed, and it came true." he thought with a goofy smile plastered onto his face. His heart sped up at the realization that his pillowcase would smell like her. Jungkook was so excited to snuggle with his pillow tonight. 

"Mission one complete. You will soon be mine, Senpai. I'll be sure of it."

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