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On Jungkook's way home, the confusing fire burning within his heart from Y/N's sadness, he wasn't in a very good mood. Having Y/N now fear him in anguish is one thing. Nayeon and another girl, Lisa, escaping from his home are another.

They were scurrying away, be it only two or three in the morning, they didn't attract much attention. Nonetheless, Jungkook wondered how they got out. The masked boy growled furiously under his breath and followed them, making sure to keep his distance.

Jungkook caught up to them and found them beneath a bridge at a park, desperately cupping water from a small stream into their hands and greedily drinking it. Jungkook grimaced behind his mask in disgust. His distorted expression slyly formed into an arrogant smirk, with his tone matching his face; "Well, what do we have here? Are you girls lost?"

Both girls immediately stiffened in fear, not wanting to turn around and face their doom. Jungkook frowned at no reply. Nonetheless, he approached them with an eerie cackle. It was so dark and lonesome that they didn't know where the masked killer was and what he had planned. As if on queue, the said mask appeared right in front of them, making them squeal and jump back in fear. The dim lighting from the street lights in the distance didn't help the horrifying mask look any clearer.

A sinister laugh erupted from him, loving the fear they have of him. He took a deep breath after his fit of laughter and sighed greatly. He clicked his tongue, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Lisa." he walked forth. "I thought you were better than this. You've escaped once, and now," he leaned down in front of her tear-stained face. "A second time?"

Jungkook's head snapped towards Nayeon who was quivering in fear beside her, "And you." he spat, "I'll deal with you later." his head slowly turned towards Lisa once more. "You need a punishment." He stood up from his squatted position, making Lisa shake her head multiple times and mutter soft cries in denial.

"No, no, no, no, please! Please, no. I'm sorry, I won't escape agai--AHH!" she cried, raising her hands to shield her face. Jungkook flinched his fist towards her, making her think she was going to be hit. Jungkook rolled his neck, cracking a few of them. He bent down and tried to grab her but her last screams of terror infuriated him to the bone.

"NO! PLEASE JUST LET ME SEE Y/N ONE LAST TIME!" Lisa cried in distress. It's been a whole year since she last saw her best friend. The girl just wanted to see her again and tell her how much of a dear friend Y/N was to her. She just wanted to hug her one last time.

"Like hell, I would." he spat angrily, despising her words. Lisa meant it in a sincere and loving way, but Jungkook took it as a romantically serene request. He wasn't having any of that. 

When Lisa realized he wasn't going to let her, she went limp in defeat, already accepting her death. "I love you so much, Y/N. I hope you'll realize how much of a monster your friend has become. But I'll have you know; I don't know who is listening to my thoughts right now, but God, please let her know that I regret NOTHING of meeting her. Having Y/N by my side was the best gift You have given me. Tell Kai I love him."

And with that, she was gone.

Jungkook grabbed a handful of her hair, practically growling as he dragged her over to the stream and bashed her head against a large rock. Nayeon could only watch in horror with her stunned figure. She wished she could do something, but she didn't want to die either. And the shock running through her body paralyzed her from doing anything.

Jungkook thrust her head against the large rock once more, but he wasn't done yet. "I have to prove how worthy I am to be in Y/N's arms!" he laughed in an insane, deranged, chortle.

He shoved Lisa's distorted skull against the rock and bent down to pick another, his longing thoughts driving him mad. Jungkook continuously bashed Lisa's head with the rock in his hand, his words batching the beat of his thrashing, "Only. I. Get. To. Have. Y/N. No. ONE. ELSE."

Jungkook harshly threw the rock down and dropped Lisa's head into the small stream, kicking and stomping on her head in the water. Nayeon shrieked and cried in anguish at the sight. She could have run away but she couldn't, her trembling hand tried to cover her cries until she suddenly lost her voice.

When Jungkook's frustration melted away with Lisa's blood trailing down the stream, his heavy breathing was the only thing heard in the moment of silence. Jungkook started to maniacally laugh at the sight. The beauty of the crimson liquid staining the dirt floor, the trees, his clothes and mask, and traveling down the river was a gorgeous sight indeed.

Nayeon wanted to act dead at that moment. She underestimated him. She thought he was nothing but a scrawny boy who had googly eyes for the girl she loves as well. It was sickening to watch a completely different person murder someone right before her eyes. Nayeon always thought Jungkook feared her, but now, she feared him.

The moment Jungkook turned around to her, made her want to die on the spot. He tauntingly, ever-so-slowly, made his way towards the panicked girl. She responded by crawling back and shaking her head in denial several times, getting loud with each step Jungkook took towards her.

He laughed as he kicked her and stomped down onto her frail body, "YOU BEG JUST LIKE THAT PUNY BRAT! I WONDER IF YOU ALL SUFFER THE SAME?"

Nayeon's screams of agony slowly died out along with her consciousness. The sounds of something crack and crunch beneath his violent abuse sparked something within Jungkook. "I'm not weak anymore! Take what you deserve--*** ... " The vulgar language he could never see himself uttering was astonishing to even him. Jungkook never even noticed her screams stop as he calmed his adrenaline. He squatted down and checked her pulse, he can't be having her die yet. But a wave of relief washed over himself when he felt a very faint heartbeat beating against her neck. He stretched for a moment before picking up the severely damaged girl and taking him back home.

Little did he know, his pocket knife with his fingerprints fell out of his back pocket and landed near the deformed corpse resting beside the stream.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream~

Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a ...


= = = =

Uh oh.

 I'm taking answers to the following questions:  (Edit: not anymore but you can still answer them if you want :P) Okay, so basically you comment your own answer to these questions.

Q1: Should there be a smutty chapter in this book?

Q2: Should there be a happy or sad ending?

Q3: Should BTS's reaction to jk's murderous side be good or bad?

Q4: Should Nayeon live or die?

Q5: What other idols would you like me to put in here? And what should their role be?

Edit: [You guys can answer if you want, but the story is already complete so there's nothing much I can do. However, yes, there is sexual content in this book (much to my shameful embarrassment) and the characters you've all suggested will most likely be added to Book 2 as well.

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