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Jungkook awoke the next morning to another delightful scent of breakfast. He stretched and yawned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stood from the bed and only then realized his bareness. Jungkook smirked at the memory of the previous night and quickly pulled some underwear and sweatpants on, deciding to give a little tease to Y/N by walking around shirtless.

He arrived in the kitchen and found a sight to behold; Y/N in her adorable apron with her hair in a messy bun, the sweet smell of syrup and waffles, the sizzling from the bacon and sausage, the pearly sunny-side-up eggs resting on a plate. It was perfect.

Jungkook approached the unsuspecting Y/N and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into her shoulder and muttering his greeting.

"Good morning to you too," she grinned, stirring some scrambled eggs. Jungkook only hummed in response; still a bit sleepy.

Y/N chuckled, caressing Jungkook's arms around her waist, "Breakfast is almost ready. Go sit down."

Jungkook let out a big sigh, backing away from her and stretching widely. Y/N placed the scrambled eggs into a large bowl and moved around the stretching Tarzan.

"Come and eat, boys!" Y/N called, frantic footsteps following along soon after.

"Hey, stop! It's my phone and my girl! She's the one who gave her number!" He protested, running behind the couch and keeping his phone out of reach of his brothers.

"Oh, come on, you stole her from me!" The other groaned.

"Psh, I was going to ask her out last week!"

"But you didn't," the two brothers said in unison, pausing their chasing and glaring at him.

Jungkook and Y/N watched the scene unfold in amusement. They gave each other knowing looks before Y/N turned away, continuing to set breakfast down. Jungkook quietly snickered to himself and walked over to them to break up the fight.

"Alright, you guys, settle down." He motioned his hands in a calming manner.

The boys glanced at him, ignoring him, but instantly snapped their eyes back at Jungkook, observing the man. A man who was shirtless and showed his scars, tattoos, muscles, but more specifically, the wounds from the previous night their elder sister shared with him.

Jungkook quirked a brow in confusion, glancing down at himself, and finally found what the triplets were flustered about. Jungkook sheepishly grinned, trying to cover himself as best as he could. He awkwardly shimmied himself over to Y/N's room to get some clothes on.

"Time to eat, boys," Y/N clapped her hands in satisfaction at the view of the table full of warm food. The boys looked at each other, skeptical, but slowly walked over to the table.

Y/N smiled at them, "Thank you for cleaning up, a-and, er..." Her face flushed, making Y/N's brothers smirk at her flushed face.

"Well, we couldn't just stay there and hear what our sister was screaming," One of them slyly retorted, leaning back in his chair with his arms cushioning his head.

Y/N uttered incoherent words, too flustered to even form a proper sentence. The other two snickered to themselves.

"We-Well..." Y/N managed to start.

"Oh, we also took all of the breakfast and ate that yesterday," The other said.

"I was so surprised you two weren't awake yet," he sighed. Y/N's face blushed even harder, making them gasp.

"You did it more than once?!"

"I'm already not starting to like him. Damned horny dog."

"It was a one-night-stand, right?"

Y/N made gestures with her hands, trying to calm them down, "I-It's not like that! We've known each other since high school, he was my best friend. He just came by to visit..." Y/N wasn't even sure of her answer. What was he doing here? Was he going to take her? So many mixed emotions, so many mixed memories. Memories she wasn't even sure were hers.

Her brothers glanced at each other warily, noticing their sister's hesitation. But before they could address it, Jungkook walked in with a shirt and some jeans, and it looked like he freshened up based on the absence of his droopy eyes and disheveled hair.

A smile rose to Y/N's face, "Good morning, you."

Jungkook laughed, rolling his eyes playfully, "Good morning, again."

The two stared at each other for a moment, no words needed to tell each other how much they appreciated this lovely morning. Despite the flowers and stars shimmering beside the two who were staring googly eyes at each other, it was quite awkward for the triplets, so they gave each other grimaces and got up to wash their hands. They took plates of breakfast to their rooms as well.

Before Y/N and Jungkook realized it, the boys were gone, and they weren't coming back for a while. Jungkook sucked in a big breath and snapped out of his daze, Y/N pursed her lips and internally scolded herself for staring.

"Breakfast?" Jungkook sheepishly asked, shrugging his shoulders.

Y/N threw her head back in laughter, "Breakfast."

The two noticed half of the food was gone and figured the boys took it and left the two alone. Y/N shook her head and put food onto the two plates in front of her. Jungkook sat on the chair and rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, watching Y/N with adoration.

"Eat up, I tried my best to make what I could. But I'm a bit sore from--" Y/N stopped herself mid-sentence, interrupted by her own choke on her words. Jungkook roared in laughter, grabbing her by the waist and hugging her. "Shut up," she mumbled in her hands covering her red face.

"No, no, continue, what were you sore from?" Jungkook mused.

Y/N pouted, "You know what I mean, Kook."

Jungkook's heart swarmed at the old nickname for him coming out of her mouth. He took a bite of her breakfast and dramatically dropped his fork and his jaw.

Y/N looked at him nervously, biting her lip. Jungkook snapped his head towards her, continuing to chew. "How is it?" Y/N anxiously asked.

Jungkook took a deep breath, closing his eyes, "The best food I have eaten in years."

Y/N broke out into a huge and bright smile, nearly blinding Jungkook, and hugged him happily. "I'm so glad you like it!"

"Like it? I love it, baby," Jungkook nuzzled his nose against hers. Y/N's cheeks grew warm at the nickname, and her heart swooned at the adoration she found in his eyes.

"You seem to be in a good mood, despite being sore," Jungkook pointed out.

Y/N nodded, "Yup. I'm not sure why though, but I think it's because of a dream I had last night?"

"Huh, and what was it about?" Jungkook quirked a brow, drinking his milk.

Y/N swayed within his arm resting on her waist as his other fed his mouth. "Well," she dragged on the e. "It was about me finding a handsome knight in shining armor riding a unicorn to my rescue. He had the shiniest and prettiest blonde hair and golden-brown eyes, and he had this most dazzling smile. He had the utmost concern for me, and he promised he would always protect me--" And she dragged on, and on.

Jungkook bit the inside of his cheek, growing annoyed at how Y/N gushed about this handsome prince. It made his blood boil that she wasn't in a good mood because of the beautiful night they shared.

Jungkook would just have to make sure to take the prince's place.

Heyyy guys!!!

I want to say thank you so much for your love and support for this JUNGKOOK X READER. Almost 10k reads!! wOw!! I love you guys so much!! Thank you, again. I'll be back sooN!

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