Chapter X: Natsu Vs Tidus. A Clash Under The Starry Sky.

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0_0 I'm really, truly sorry for the looooooooong's the newest chapter, this is half of the prefered chapter because, it's too long so I split them into, now I dedicate this to Reenchi...thanks for the wait Reenchi....please enjoy reading everyone....I will try to dedicate each chapter to each readers so please keep your supports......I love you guys.....Comments, Votes, and Likes are welcome ^_^



“I guess there’s no point in leaving you unscathed. Maybe my Lord will understand if you have a scratch or two”, Tidus smiled evilly, giving out huge amount of deathly aura.

“Natsu, be careful, he can beat up someone even if he don’t land a single touch on you. For some reason, when he starts gesturing his hands on you, you’re body will be beaten without knowing anything”, Lucy tried to explain.

“What? I can’t fully understand, but that doesn’t matter”, Natsu said, his fists bursts into flames.

Tidus just smiled and stood making a stance.

“I don’t know how you managed to overpower Minora, but don’t think you’ll be able to do the same to me. Now, Dragon boy, come!”, Tidus mocked.

“Rahhhhhh! Fire Dragon’s Claw!”, Natsu attacked Tidus, but Tidus is a very skilled fighter. He dodged every flame as if he was dancing through the fire. Natsu commenced on attacking him with his fists turning into flames but TIdus just keeps on dodging it.

“Darn it, stop moving!”, Natsu said, irritated.

“Haha, why would I stop? I enjoy playing with FIRE”, Tidus deliberately stressed the word “fire” with a chuckle.

“He’s just playing with Natsu”, Lucy gasped as she watch the two fights each other. “How will Natsu win against this guy?”

“Come on Flame boy! Don’t you have any more enjoyable than this? This is getting pretty boring”, Tidus grinned.

“Shut up! What’s with all you people calling me stupid names! Fire Dragon’s Sword Horn”, Natsu angrily said.

“This has to stop now!”, Tidus’ face suddenly got serious and started to gesture his hands; his eyes focusing entirely on Natsu’s spot.

“Oh no! That stance!”, Lucy warily said. “Natsu! Look out it’s coming!”, Lucy shouted.

“What?”, Natsu turned around to Lucy. He looked at Lucy’s expression then turned back to Tidus who was about to move his hands. Natsu charged towards Tidus, not knowing what Tidus was about to do.

“Natsu!”, Lucy shrieked at the sight when everything seems slower than usual and all of a sudden, when Tidus swayed his right hand downwards, Natsu hit the ground hard. Natsu wasn’t able to lay a finger on Tidus, and his current attack stopped mid-way for what happened. “What should I do? I don’t have any magic power left in my body”

“Wh…what just happened?”, Natsu asked trying to get up.

“Heh, you’re a lot tougher than you look”, Tidus sneered. His hands swayed to the right and Natsu’s body followed, banging his back on the wall. The wall cracked from the impact and Natsu looks like he’s really hurt.

“S…stop”, Lucy gasped, too soft for anyone to hear. “Please….stop it”, Lucy said a little louder, but Tidu’s didn’t even flinched. The look on his face shows no intention of stopping. His grin went wider and he seems to be enjoying himself. Natsu can’t even move and just did what his body was being dragged into.

“STOP IT!!!!”, Lucy shrieked at the top of her lungs. “No more!”, Lucy’s eyes can’t take it any longer. Her tears betrayed her and it flowed from her eyes unstoppable. She just can’t bear to witness Natsu getting beaten like this. She saw Happy and her spirits beaten by Tidus as well but something about seeing Natsu in his state, Lucy’s heart aches by the sight of this.

“You said something? Princess?”, Tidus turned and smirked at Lucy stressing the word “princess”.

“Stop….I’ll…come with you…just….stop”, Lucy stammered. Even if she doesn’t want to, she felt this is the right thing to do. “I can’t stand to see you like this Natsu. Happy, and you too. I can’t bear to witness you falling like this. I just can’t. I’m sorry”, Lucy thought.

“L….Lucy”, Natsu groaned. “I won’t…..let you….take her”, Natsu stood weakly, his hands leaning on a wall to support him as he stood. He glared at Tidus. “Lucy is….my friend!”, he growled.

“Care for another beating?”, Tidus grinned like a wild man.

“Gate of the Lion I open thee! Leo!”, Lucy shouted. Loki appeared in front of Lucy.

“Your Prince has arrived”, Loki said, arms crossed on his chest.

“Loki please, help Natsu”, Lucy said barely able to stand.

Loki attacked Tidus, his hands lit with orange glow. Tidus held one of Loki’s hands, using his other hand, he was nearing Loki’s face. Loki lit his free hand with more brilliant than the other one which made Tidus blinded by the light. Lucy made her way to Natsu’s side.

“Regulus, grant me power”, Loki concentrated his power on his right hand. “Regulus Impact”, a brilliant flame came out from his hand and shaped like a Lion’s head.

“Another flame boy?”, Tidus smirked swaying his hands. Regulus Impact moved the same way his hands did. He focused it on the innocent Lucy who was supposed to make her way to Natsu’s side who was also leaning on the wall unsteadily.

“Crap!”, Loki hissed realizing that his attack will hit Lucy first then Natsu.

“What the?!”, Lucy shouted. Natsu tried to move but judging the speed, he won’t make it on time. Regulus Impact was about to hit Lucy when Loki appeared to block it with his body.

“No, Loki!”, Lucy shouted. Unbeknownst to Tidus, Loki’s attack serves more than that; Natsu ate the fire when it crashed to Loki’s body.

“Lucy, sorry, I’m afraid I’m done in”, Loki apologized when he was beaten by his own magic and he smiled as he, himself disappeared.

“Hahaha!”, Tidus laughed. “Such weaklings! Now, let’s go back to where we left off shall we?”, Tidus turned to Natsu.

“Gah, hahaha”, Natsu laughed while standing up.

“How, how can you still stand?”, Tidus asked.

“Now that I’ve eaten I’m all fired up!”, Natsu announced glaring straight at Tidus’ eyes.

“Natsu!”, Lucy smiled, her eyes filling with hope.

<To be Continued>

Tales of an Adventure: The Terror Of Losing Lucy Heartfilia (NaLu Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now