Extra Chapter: A New Comrade

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Lucy and the others set a camp at the mountains of Kalifa. Natsu, Gray, and Erza were sparring outside the tent. Levy and the others were looking for food and other necessities for their stay. Lucy was alone inside the tent, scribbling at her notes to where they will head next. A flash of light appeared behind her. Lucy turned around to see what caused it.

“Hi Lucy, am I interrupting with something?”, Loki appeared as the light diminished.

“No you’re not interrupting anything, by the way, why did you have to force open your gate? Is there something very important you want to tell me?”, Lucy asked, putting away her notes.

“Not really, I’m here to escort a friend of mine. She wants to talk to you so she asked me to help her”, Loki said.

“Alright who is it?”, Lucy asked.

“I want you to meet Aurelie”, as soon as Loki said her name, Aurelie appeared with the same light.

“Eh? A spirit?”, Lucy asked.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Lucy-sama”, Aurelie bowed her head, she was holding a big book with a pen beside it.

“Oh, ah….hello”, Lucy was surprised. “So Loki, is she your umm”, Lucy awkwardly asked.

“She’s here to give you something Lucy, which I’m sure you’d be gladly to have. I’ll be outside so you two could talk alright?”, Loki said stepping behind and allowing some room for the two to talk.

“Alright….Umm, Aurelie is it? What is it that you want to give me?”, Lucy smiled sweetly and tried to get comfortable with Aurelie.

“Well, I… you see….umm”, Aurelie stuttered.

“Well Aurelie, you don’t have to be very shy towards me. Let’s try this, since both of us just met each other, why don’t we shake hands first? Consider me as your friend”, Lucy said offering her hand. Aurelie took it willingly and smiled.

“You’re really nice”, Aurelie cutely blushed.

“Is that so? Thank you. So, what is it that you want to tell me Aurelie?”, Lucy asked.

“Well..this”, Aurelie showed Lucy a silver key but it was bigger than the others. It looks like a pen at the end and a book at the handle.

“A key? Why are you giving a Celestial Spirit key to me?”, Lucy asked, surprised to what Aurelie was holding.

“This is a key to my gate Lucy-sama. I asked the Spirit King if I can also have a key to contract with a human like Leo and everyone. He permitted me to have one”, Aurelie shyly said.

“She looks a lot like Aries in some way”, Lucy thought. “But why are you giving it to me?”, Lucy asked.

“I wanted to be Lucy-sama’s spirit”, Aurelie said.

“But why?”, Lucy said.

“Because, Leo and the others seem happy to be with you, I wanted to be your spirit Lucy-sama. You love spirits and they love you back. You don’t treat them as tools, you treat them as friends. I wanted my master to be you Lucy-sama. Please accept my key”, Aurelie determinedly said, nearing into tears. She was scared Lucy would reject her.

Lucy held Aurelie’s shivering hands to ease her fear.

“Alright. I’ll be honoured to have your key Aurelie. It will be my pleasure to have you with us”, Lucy smiled at her. Aurelie never felt any happier than that moment.

“Thank you Lucy-sama”, Aurelie said.

“Let’s do our contract shall we?”, Lucy happily said.

Tales of an Adventure: The Terror Of Losing Lucy Heartfilia (NaLu Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now