
22 1 0

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy, my head feels like it's being tortured by being poked with a thousand needles.It was even hard to get out of bed,the buzzing noises coming from my phone told me to get up while my body told me otherwise.I switched my alarm off slowly climbing down the small little ladder on the corner of my bed.Small creaks can be heard from my every step

Making my way towards the bathroom I turned the tap on.The water making small bubbling noises as it hit the tub.Taking a cold bath waking myself up I got dressed and went on and walked to class.The suns gentle bright rays lighting my way the walk was quiet and only my steps can be heard.

As I entered the first building I could hear students chatting in about.I made my way into my class and sat on the last row beside the small bookshelf.There we're a few students in class with me but none of them bothered to talk to me.Some we're sitting on the desks while others were busy on their phones.

I quietly just observed them "Miss.Lilibeth?"I turned my head facing the person in front of me smiling as I realized who it was "WoonJae, didn't I tell you to call me Lilibeth? Is this your class too?"I questioned him he chuckled pulling up a chair to sit beside me "I apologise I'm just used to talking in such a manner and no,I go to class C-3"He answered

I looked at him surprised "C-3?"I repeated my voice showing my amazement "Yes.Surprised?"He asked I shook my head "Not at all".Our little conversation was soon interrupted as our teacher came in WoonJae made his way towards the front and talked to our teacher.I waited for them to finish also trying to catch what they we're talking about.But unfortunately they we're speaking in a language I do not understand

WoonJae bowed at our teacher then turned to me giving me a small wave before he left I smiled my heart fluttering for a second. "Alright everybody settle down.I'm Mr.Woon" "GoodMorning Mr.Woon"We all said on chorus filling the room with our loud voices.After the class quieted down Mr.Woon spoke again "So our first lesson is going to be at the fields.Grab your binders and pens and let's head out"He instructed

The whole class shuffled filling the room with sound of zippers closing and opening.The teacher instructed is to fall in a straight line and we did as commanded our shoes making small noises as we moved.

Mr.Woon guided us towards the field and stopped when we reached the middle of the field "Oh hi Lilibeth"I turned around and found Aragaki "Hello Aragaki"I answered

"Alright let's start"Mr.Soon said as he snapped his fingers.A small gust of blue dust appearing and out comes a dusty old book he flipped through the pages and stopped when he found what he was looking for "So students have you ever encountered a portal before?"Mr.Soon questions sending shivers down my spine,portals are dangerous and very powerful.If summoning it is done wrong who knows what could happen the students started to whisper to each other most of their whispers consisted of "That's dangerous" "Is he going to open a portal?"

"Are you alright?"Aragaki said as he patted my back making me turn back my attention to reality "I-im fine"I stuttered continuing to listen in to what our teacher is blabbering on about moment later he actually started to open a portal in the middle of the field.

The smoke swished on air slowly forming a huge mirror like shaped portal.Nothing could be seen inside, just packs of smoke and dust.The portals constant roaring filled the silent air along with the students gasps and whispers "I don't think its a good idea to open a portal for a lesson"I stated obviously overwhelmed by the fact that there is a real portal in front of me

"None of our lessons are a good idea"Aragaki stated crossing his arms as he started back at the portal "I'm afraid to ask"I shivered "Who would like to go in the portal?"Mr.Woon asked gesturing towards the black hole of death and misery which he so called 'Portal'

I looked away from the portal focussing on something else.As I was looking around I found one of the students on our group slowly scooting closer towards the portal I narrowed my eyes at him.He's a demon no doubt about that, dark red eyes, red hair and his pinkish skin tone he almost looks like a cotton candy.

I watched him as he carefully moved dangerously close to the portal.My feet slowly shifted ready to pounce at him if he dares to jump into that portal because my instincts tell me so. "Alright then-"Mr.Woon was about to speak when he was interrupted when cotton candy man suddenly rushed towards the portal "Hey!"Aragaki yelled out and was about to run after him but was beaten to it.

I quickly ran towards the portal forgetting the fact that it's dangerous as I focused on grabbing a hold of cotton candy man's uniform.Moving awfully close I finally was able to grab a hold of the mans uniform.He turned to me, he looked surprised and worried?

We we're already inside

My heart started to beat faster than it should have beads of sweat forms in the side of my forehead slowly turning behind me to find the portal still there.I sighed in relief my heart calming down I slowly weakened my hold "Please....let's get out of here"I managed to say obviously scared because of the situation "How?"He asked

I turned to him confused "Why through the portal of cou-" it's gone "This isn't good"I said falling on my knees staring at the empty space where our ticket to home was supposed to stand, but it isn't there

Day 2 completed

You've met:
Mr. Woon
Unknown Character (Cotton Candy man)

Your to do list:
Wake up✅
Get ready for school✅
Walk to school✅
Do not get into trouble✖

"How do we get out of here?!"

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