[You broken my world....]

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"Are you confused?Conflicted?"

"I don't know"

I heard Woo sigh, I felt him grab my arm and pull me up "If you're confused right now I'm confused too.I just got this weird headache last night and it forced in some things into my brain" 'I need to say something'

"What kind of headache is that?"I asked chuckling trying to light up the mood because I don't like it "A type of headache that makes you want to die"He replied with a shrug bursting me into laughter 'I'm caught again I need to stop this'

"Hey Grapes sorry about making you spill tears in all that, I might be a demon but I have emotions too and sometimes they're messed up"Woo apologized rubbing my cheeks wiping away my tears

"Emotions suck sometimes"

"You know what could help?I large cup of ice cream"

With that he took me somewhere to get those ice creams buying me a deluxe three flacoured one while he just stuck with water "Why didn't you buy ice cream for yourself?"I asked him "See this thing in my hand here?"He asked pointing at his water bottle which didn't actually looked like it carried water it was just ice in a bottle

"See Demons don't have the same body heat as humans so when we drink water it'll just dissolve into gas once it touches our tongue thats why we super cold ice instead"He answered "I guess that makes sense"I said chomping a spoonful of ice cream

He shook his head lightly at me Woo was about to drink bottle of ice before something caught his eye

"Grapes can you eat that whole ice cream like right now?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"No it's an order"

That was the last thing he said before a table was sent flying towards our direction knocking down my tower of ice cream sending it down the floor

"Welp that's a shame.Now that you've eaten let's burn those fats how bout lets run?"Woo grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the store running as fast as he could with me trying my best not to fall down and be dragged by this man like a sack of rice

"Wait!-" "You're so slow!"Woo suddenly pulled me up and slinging me over his shoulder 'Now I'm really being carried like a sack of rice'

When Woo put me on his back I got a view of what he was running from

"Who are they?!"

"They don't like me"

Another set of men came

"Who are they!!"

"They don't like me either"

And then a horse wait a horse is this supposed to be a remake of a scene from Rapunzel or-Argghh we don't have time for that I have questions to ask

"Who are they?Why are they chasing us?!!"

"Let's just say that everyone that's currently chasing us doesn't like me!Agreed?"

Woo suddenly jumped down and I realized he jumped off a cliff "Sh-Where did this cliff even come from"We we're about to hit the water when suddenly a portal opened on the bottom of our feet and took us to an empty field we fell and for some reason started rolling

When we actually stopped Woo was on top of me "For the love of all book and anime clichés really?!"I complained pushing off a flustered Woo off of me and started shouting at the sky 'Glitch'

"We've just gotten chase by people and literally almost died jumping off a cliff and you just had to make a scene to make us all flustered and have a scene like that for fan service?


"NO!You're playing with our lives here you've killed them multiple times but you still have the guts to continue on with this!"

"I've seen them die and be reborn once again just to watch them die again could you just ******g do me a favor and stop this game already!"

I dropped to my knees my eyes flooding with tears. The ground shook so intensely out of a sudden creating a crack on the ground that traced a part of the school "Lilibeth! Get up!"Woo screamed

I began to shout tears still streaming 'Is what I'm doing right now also part of the code?'

"Lilibeth please come to your senses"Woo pleaded the six of them suddenly came running towards us and started shaking me

"Li, snap out of this please"

"Lilibeth stop we have to leave the school is collapsing!"

"Princess come on now get up!"

"Lilibeth wake up!"

"Lilibeth Griffiths for the love of all things holy you have to stop it!"

The whole school building crumbled falling disappearing once it touched the ground. People's screams filled my ears I felt like I should stop it 'But this isn't all real right?I'm not being selfish and killing off people to escape this hell....right?'

Everything vanished leaving me and one other person floating in oblivion his eyes met with mine.He stared at me with a bitter smile

"You've broken my world.You've escaped the code that I so foolishly made...thank you"

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