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I woke up suddenly my phone was emitting a strong light while producing a strong annoying sound that pulled me back tl reality I checked the time on my buzzing phone

3am it displayed "I don't remember setting an alarm for 3am?"I mumbled I looked at the other 3 girls finding them sound asleep Iezel snoring as loud as always I might as well say her snoring is more annoying than the alarm but then again I'm used to it

I picked up my phone and swiped it to the side expecting for whatever alarm I've set to quiet down laying it back down going back to sleep "pick me! pick ME! PICK ME!!"

My body jumped up with the sudden noise that came up once again "That's not how you sing pick me"I complained glaring down my phone

"I know shut up and just pick me up already" Did my phone just answer me and even had the guts to order me to pick it up I swear I've read the manual and it never said anything about complaining or even talking "Pick me up already!"My phone shouted

"Fi-Wait"I stopped for a moment to slap myself "Ouch"I took another glance at my phone picking it up to see what's wrong before I could even click it, it displayed a message

It's from myself?

:It's been delightful being with him all that he's done for me our every moment together was very special to me.....it was very wonderful I thought that I'd be happy from then on and forward...

:But I was wrong when I had him I lost all all of them

First and foremost when did I write this? Why did I even write this?Did I even write this? How did I even get this in the first place is this even my phone?

Tons and billions of questions shuffled through my head each and everyone of them I was unable to answer.I let out a loud yawn my phone suddenly glitching the messages I've newly just read disappearing '*Glitch detected.Erasing...*'

"Wha-No!"I stumbled down and into the ground I acted without thinking I rumaged through my stuff and found a notebook scribbling down the message before I could forget it my mind feeling lighter by the second before I could act everything went blury
"Lilibeth? What are you doing on the floor?"

I grumbled my head spinning I slowly adjusted to the bright light flashing before my eyes "Am I dead?"I mumbled my voice deep I obviously just woken up

"No, do you wish you we're?"I know that voice anywhere "Jamil?"I asked facing the four of them who's looking at me weirdly I looked at them too mirroring their expression

"Get off from there, classes are about to start"Iezel said helping me up "Wait what time is it anyway?"I asked as soon as I was able to feel the ground "Like I said classes are about to start it's 7:14"and that's when I knew I messed up

Dashing into the bathroom real quick putting on my uniform in the speed of light I ran out hoping to reach class before or a few minutes after the bell rings

Running through the halls a few students staring at me as I made a ruckus climbing up the stairs as fast as I could

"Lilibeth Griffiths"Just in time, finally stepping foot into my classroom I raised my hand "Present!"I shouted the whole class to stare at me. I suddenly got embarrassed my face turning red "Take your seat now"Mr.Woon instructed I followed walking to my seat in a robotic way

Setting my back down my bag I tried to hide my red face. I quickly grabbed my notebook and pen trying to fucos on the lesson

I swiped pass a few pages finding one page stained with black ink I stared at it weirdly examining the page it didn't stain the other pages though which was weird

The page was stiff because of the ink but the real question is who did this. I felt the page and it seemed like I wrote something on it I could feel a few letters but I couldn't determine what they we're

"Ah"A sudden pain struck my head my looking back at my notebook the page was gone

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