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After yesterday's 'Event' I relaxed a bit and was happy when we we're just taking on a normal class today.No 'Let's go outside and open a portal and get stuck in hell today' kind of situation.

I still get shivers when I remember what had happened yesterday luckily the fighting was stopped before the two idiots cracked a hole on underworld that would lead straight into earth and possibly create an apocalypse.

-Flash Back to yesterday-

We got stuck in the underworld and I suddenly got kidnapped and tied to a wall.End came to save me before I was turned into sushi but ended up starting war with a man named Black who obviously wore nothing but black.They broke half of the place but was stopped

"Wassup Homesickles!"

Everyone turned to face her their faces filled with utter shock and fear "I'm here to talk about, Not Breaking the whole place while I'm gone"She chuckled the clicks of hear heals filling the silent room.She moved her arms around it seemed like a gesture for the blocks to come back go their right full places.The blocks actually moved, flying themselves back to their places casual clicks of the blocks can be heard as they hit each other on the way.

She made her way into the front.End and Black getting off of each other and unarmed themselves.They both looked on the floor as she stood in front of them giving them both a scary glare "Face me"She ordered her voice sending shivers even to me.They flinched before raising their heads their eyes avoiding her gaze.She let out sigh before raising both her hands, I waited in anticipation while End and Black closed their eyes tightly waiting for the impact.

But instead of a slap,  she flicked both of their heads making them flinch in shock and because of the pain "Geez, won't you two ever get along?"She stated her hands on her hips as she stared at the two "We're sorry Grey!"They apologized

-New Chacacter-

<[*Greya Violet*]>

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: G
Relationship: I'm her Fan

"How many times have I heard that?"Greya questioned both of them just looked down not answering her question.She smiled and slung her shoulder over the both of them "Since that's finished let's get on with the punishment"She stated the both of them looked at her in shock.End got down on his knees and bowed down infront Greya "Please forgive me!Please change your decision"He begged "Do I look like I accept that kind of apology?"She questioned, End trembled I stared at her.She was never one to speak in such a way

"Get up idiot all you have to say is 'I'm sorry I won't do it again' not get on the floor and look like a child begging his mother to ground him" But then again she always says something unexpected I sighed in relief 'I thought she was gonna kill him or something' End got up his gaze on the floor.There were a few water drops falling from his face was he sweating?or is he crying?

"And as for you Black"Greya said and turned to him "You're grounded young man"She declared making me and a few other demons snicker "Bu-" "To your room"She cut him off.Black sighed and followed as ordered, Greya dismissed everyone and they went back to what they we're doing before the commotion.

After that she opened a portal home and safely took us back in campus.When we arrived it was already late afternoon Mr.Woon and Aragaki along with a few other teachers we're there too.End ended having detention for 3 days while I recieved a bag of candy from Mr.Woon

Well after all I am very brave.I mean, can you go through a portal leading to the underworld and not cry for help? I don't think so....well unless you're a demon or you live there-- but still! I'm pretty great for surviving a day in the underworld aren't I? No need to be jealous~……*ahem* sorry I'm being full of myself

-Flash back-

The lesson today was Amazing after all magical schools teach different things than normal schools preferably more exciting.They even gave us real time translating ear pieces 'Score!'

They had our power semblances that were chosen by us along with our names printed on top.I chose a picture of a Battery that had small bolts of electricity circling around it.My initials was placed on top of it which was GriffithsL in cursive writing.

Anyway it was break time which means I can finally go and eat something to fill in this empty stomach of mine

"did they already give you the earpices?"WoonJae asked he's probably speaking in Korean right now and I can understand!  I smiled and nodded

"Hey Lilibeth you going out to eat?"Aragaki asked coming towards us I simply nodded "Want to come with us?"He asked pointing over his friends "Is that ok?"I asked "Why wouldn't it be"He said chuckling

So me,Aragaki,WoonJae and a few of their friends made it into the cafeteria we ordered food and had our fill.Nothing over the top happened just a bunch of teenagers eating snacks and throwing some of it into each other.

When we we're going back to class we stumbled into a group of students who looked like they we're bullying somebody "Bullying happens here too?"I questioned

Aragaki sighed "Yes, if you're less powerful you tend to be prey"He stated taking a step forward "Don't"WoonJae stopped him "Let's just report this.If we join the commotion this situation will be a lot bigger than it's supposed to be"He seemed calm he reached for his phone inside his pocket and started dialing a number

A book was suddenly sent flying and landed on WoonJae's head earning a few gasps from the few students who we're watching the scene.WoonJae sent a glare towards them "Hey JaeJaeMon! Reporting us again?When will you ever man up"One of them said while the others laughed

I grew tense but I was also trying to hold my laughter 'JaeJaemon?' I know this is not the time for this but I can't help it.WoonJae declined his call turning his body to face them

"Gaki, You remember the thing I told you about 'Not getting involved?'"He's not doing what I think he's doing right? "Yeah?"Aragaki smiled moving closer he was powering up and so was his other friends

"F**k that rule, let's fight"

I watched as almost half of the school was broken down "I officially declare that this school year is going to be the most.....'Magical' adventure I'm going to be going on"

Day 4 complete

You've met:
WoonJae and Aragakis Friends
Greya Violet

To Do list:

Wake up ✅
Go to school ✅

Listen to the teacher ✅
Eat snacks ✅
Not get into trouble (again) ✖

"This school is.....something"

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