[Loose it to Have that]

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I got out of bed and picked my phone only to find out that it was dead because it got wet earlier. I didn't even memorize Greya's number but I do remember the way to their house

But I don't know if I'll be able to go there with my situation, but it's either sitting here to rot or go back to my friends

I picked up my bag tying my hair as fast I could and dashed outside hailing a taxi and telling it the directions. My fever was getting higher and the cold was bothering me but I was able to make it there

I stood at the front of their house my heart beating faster as I started to rethink my decisions. If I hadn't done something so rashly I wouldn't have been here in the first place

It was my decision to escape that place I called a prison in hopes of setting myself free from something I called a lie.

Now here I am trying to get myself back to that place once again. "Are you going in or are you going to keep thinking about your emotions" I jumped at the sudden noise loosing my balance I was about to fall down

But something caught me "careful" I was sitting on a soft cloud Greya pulled my up and it disappeared "Gosh you're hot! Did you come here with this fever?!"She asked checking my temperature with her hand

I giggled awkwardly in response they rolled their eyes at me. They took me in and once again made me feel at home providing me with warm milk "What's the super important thing that made you come here even with that fever?"James asked

I gulped "I want to restore the game" looking at me with surprise their expressions turned into a sympathetic one "Chima, we've already deleted everything" they confessed "Isn't there anyway to restore it?"I asked hopeful

Their brows furrowed leading into a complete silence I waited patiently for them to give me an answer I wanted to restore everything so badly

James turned to Greya "It'll be risky"Greya said "What is?"I asked "Restoring a broken universe, making one is easy but restoring a broken one is another story"She said standing up to leave the room before coming back with files in her hands

She opened them and slammed them into the desk I looked at it and found pictures of my old school "But I can try"Greya said giving me a small smile

"I'll help you!"I offered "I doubt you can you don't have the abilities to"James mentioned "But she can"Greya fought staring back at me "You hold a very good asset with you"She smiled James looked at me confused but soon got Greya's point

"Think of yourself as a memory card, you carry the games files in you by your memories. We can use that to restore the game but...there's one problem"

"And what is it?"

"You'd have to loose them for them to help restore the universe"

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