[Waking Up]

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It was our time to clean our class today which means that I was more late to go home than the usual pushing the datel back for a few minutes but I did my best to finish whatever junk I have to sweep off the floor.

I ran back to my dorm, got changed and ran to the gate as fast as I could making it there just a minute late

"Sorry, I'm late! Did I piss you off?"I came running grabbing Woo's attention "Why would I be it's not like I'm interested in this date"He shrugged "Same here dude I was forced to go into this"I mumbled a bit ticked

'I've litteraly ran from class to my dorm get read and run to here trying my best not to be late in this date and this is what I get.I didn't even want this'

Woo turned to me raising a brow 'Oh...he cab read my mind' he tsked placing his hands inside his pockets he leaned in closer to me "Then why do you do this?"I stopped for a second my heartbeat sped up

"You could have easily said no. We can't force you to do this. I dont get why you didn't say anything in the first place.Considering all the ***t you've been through"

That's right I could've said yes in the beginning "You could've said 'No' what stopped you from saying that one simple word Lilibeth?"I gulped down my saliva opening my mouth to answer he kept getting closer

"I..I"I stuttered "You, you what Lilibeth?Wanted to play games? You thinked this seems fun so you gave it a try?"All he's saying was wrong "I didn't think that"

"Then what?"he stared into my eyes intensely "I don't know"I answered He looked at me with shock

"How could you not know"

"I don't even know why I don't know!I don't know why I'm here I don't even know why I've kept on going with this seven dates thing I don't know!"I felt my heart burst I fell into my knees when suddenly I started "Why are you crying?"Woo asked staring down at my pathetic self

I felt something wrong with me did I broke something? My brain perhaps did I suddenly have a malfunction. All this time I've been putting up with going into these dates they've set up for me

Don't get me wrong I'm flattered but I wonder why I did so, I didn't want it actually but why did I go with it anyway. I didn't want to give it a try I didn't like it. I don't even want a relationship in the first place

But in that moment in the mall when it all started. I had the choice to not go with it. But at that same moment I said Yes although I wonder if that decision was mine

'You're eyes are opened! Oh I'm so glad~'
I snapped everything suddenly came down to me.The time when received a text from myself it and I forgot the day after. The time when I had a dream of somebody telling me to wake up. When I remembered something that didn't happen. Jihoon's dream

They weren't just coincidences they weren't just dreams. They were memories of my past the past few billion times of me repeating everything that is happening in my life now.

This was just all a game a bunch of coding a big bundle of lies made into something innocent and sweet to let the player feel at home.But somehow I don't feel like it I don't feel at home I feel imprisoned repeating the same thing over and over again only to come back the same and feel all the pain all over again.

If this what feeling home is I rather move out of it. I felt a pain in my hand it glitched the game is trying to fix itself

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