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My alarm clock rang meaning school is about to start in an hour.Wait scratch that work is starting in an hour I got up my bed stumbling down my feet caught by the blankets smashing me down the floor

I groaned 'this is the best way to start the day' I thought pushing myself up and got ready to go to work.I wore my work clothes that didn't even got ironed running in the rain as it started just as I'm already far away home.

My clothes got wet and I didn't have umbrella my money wasn't enough to buy a new one. I'm currently stuck I've found shade but I had to make it to work in 30minutes

I didn't have anyone in my contacts except Greya's number but I didn't want to disturb them it wasn't a big deal anyway. I sighed running under the rain as fast as I could just to reach the train to work

I made it at my building and finally was able to sit on my comfortable place. My problem is that my clothes we're still wet but I had to make do I didn't have extras I removed my coat and just left my skirt and shirt on and started working

I finished the files that I needed to pass today making my way to the directors office I set down the pile of files I've finished "Here are the files you've asked for sir"I said in a low tone bowing as I finished my sentence

He started at me a little annoyed his intense stare making my heart beat faster out of fear.He grabbed one of my files scanning down the pages before slapping it down the floor causing me to flinch.

He threw all the files on the floor they landed with a huge thump as papers flew everywhere. I moved from my position trying to collect all the papers that flew away

"Leave them"

"But sir-"

"I said Leave them"

I placed the papers back down and moved back to my spot and stood there waiting for him to speak"You know how much extra work we all had to do when you went on a vacation without even consulting us?"I gulped down my saliva not knowing what to say "You're fired"

I set a course back home their wasn't any reason for me to stop him from doing so I did give him a good reason to fire me so there's no point in fighting back

As I reached home I dropped my things and plopped on my bed tired  I  felt a little hot a fever is brewing in my body. I didn't want to be sick so I took some meds and changed into some comfortable clothes piling and the blankets I had on top of me to sheild me from the cold.

I remembered my life back at Sakura Academy my life now is a total dump. I've exchanged a good life for this one and I no longer know if it was worth it. Being at my lowest point right now I felt the urge to take back everything and restore what I've broken.

But it wasn't real what's there to restore? It was all just a fantasy although it was I still liked it but I chose to let it go. Have I broken my happiness and returned to my sad reality? Or did I broke a lie to go back to the truth?

My eyes felt heavy soon the dark filled my sight as I drifted off to sleep.

My body is warm. My eyes opened clashingw with the bright light that was brought by the light bulb I don't even remember turning the lights on

"Aishh see? This is what happens when you don't take care of yourself" Sungkit? "here's the meds" WoonJae? They're all here but how?

"Come on now take these"Orieste said coming over to me with meds and water he helped me up and made me drink them lying me back down "Food?"I declined

Orieste, WoonJae, Aragaki, Sungkit, Wal-e, Woo and fang the we're all here but how is that possible they're not even real

"We're reall grapes"Woo are you lying, he shook his head. He was there looking at me with the same expression he gave me when I destroyed his world

Is he trying to guilt trip me because I've ruined something he built or is he here to give me nightmares. The rest suddenly disappeared leaving only him

He moved closer sitting on my bed his back facing me "Everything was real, for me at least"He chuckled finally facing me "Was it for you?"

I woke up I looked around I'd hoped that they we're still here. But it was just a dream. I remembered them I suddenly longed for their presence when I dreamt of them taking care of me I suddenly wished it was all real

"Everything I saw was fake, but was it real?.....at least for me"

"Can I...."

Staring at the door I've decided "I'm restoring everything"

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