Day (~11~)

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School he passed and it was time for me and Aragaki's date.As I reached my apartment dropping my bags I changed for my date "Did I seriously just call it a date?"I asked myself as I continued to dig in my clothes

I found the perfect one smiling in satisfaction I put it on.It was a purple sweater paired with a black skirt white knee high socks and black flats.Braiding my hair and applying pink chap stick I was ready for my date

"Lilibeth!Aragaki's waiting for ya~"Aleora said in a teasing way I rolled my eyes at her "Coming"I replied grabbing my phone and wallet putting them in my small purple sling bag before going out

"Hey!"I called for him he turned to me and smiled.He looked at me from top to bottom then giggled "You really like purple don't you?"He asked and I realised that my outfit matched my hair making me blush a bit as I laughed awkwardly

"It really suits you"Aragaki complimented my blush deepening "Thank you"He grinned and did a little bow offering his hand to me then he started to monologue

"My Purple princess shall we venture on into the horizon in search for a hidden Pearl that was lost by a magical mermaid and use it to obtain eternal power!"

I looked at him confused "You're taking me where for our date?"I asked not understanding what he meant "I mean-ahem shall we go on our date?"Aragaki said correcting himself

"Hehehe we shall"I giggled accepting his hand.We walked together but Aragaki didn't dare to hold my hand I giggled he's a little shy I mean I can understand that all he's ever done is solve problems and hang out with friends in his spare time

Come to think of it he never hanged out with a girl before his group of friends consisted of male students.I wonder why I dug into my memories and continued on discussing this topic with myself

That was probably the stupidest decision I've made because when I finally pulled myself back to reality I was standing in the middle of a forest.I didn't know how but somehow here we are


"I think we're lost"

With that we we're sent into a panick "Where do we go now?" Asked him he scrolled around his phone trying to find a solution his eyes widened suddenly "what?"I asked "My phone is dead"

Aragaki is blessed with the ability to control electronics and the web copying the powers of his chosen hero using the net without his phone he doesn't have acces to his powers

"wait-I have my phone"I rummaged through my bag and handed him my phone "Here"He let out a huge sigh of relief as he got his hands on a working phone

"I'll get us out of here...I promise"


"Are you hungry?"I asked Aragaki as I heard his stomach grumble "What?"He asked confused "Your stomach grumbled"I gestured towards his stomach he looked at me dumbfounded "That wasn't me"

There was the growl again "See?Not me"Aragaki said pointing at his stomach "I'f it isn't you then..who?-"I felt the ground move a tree suddenly went falling "Watch out!"

Aragaki pushed me aside I was just inches away from getting smashed "Are you okay?"He asked

I was about to open my mouth to answer him when I found a huge dark shadow behind him "BearWolf!"I screamed jumping out of the way as the Bearwolf pounced on us

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