Day (~6~)

10 0 0

"A person who has not a clue of what is happening to them.It seems like they we're in a dream but they we're conscious their world was spinning.Circles and dots everywhere flying pigs and barking cats.Their sight not being able to focus on anything.

Stuck in a small wonderland that the castor has created"


"Alright class that's all for our lesson today.See you this Monday"And with that the lesson was ended my brain pulled itself back to reality I kept my things and shuffled them into my bag leaving the room in a hurry not knowing what to feel or where to go.

I was surprised when someone suddenly placed their hand on my shoulder.A small scream made it's way out of my mouth as I jumped back my hands in fists pointing directly towards the person who grabbed me "Woah...aren't you a little paranoid"It was the unconscious man I dragged yesterday I placed my hands down standing properly my gaze avoiding him.I was embarrassed "I just wanted to say thank you for carrying me all the way to the infirmary yesterday....."He said making me turn to him.

He was blushing he looked away scratching his neck "You don't need to be embarrassed...and you're welcome"I said patting his shoulder finishing my sentence with a smile "After all a strong woman like me can handle anything that comes in her way!"I boasted as soon as I realized what came out of my mouth my face went completely flushed "I'm sorry!It's just a habit of mine"

"Narcissistic aren't you"He said giggling when he did that he had his fingers on his lips"I'm Orieste Pennington.From the dimension of Magix"He said bowing

I tilted my head a bit confused fancy names are my weaknesses ""I repeated "Hahahaahahaha.You see I told you your name was hard to pronounce" It was End.He slung his arms across Oreo's shoulder as he continued to laugh wiping some of his nonexistent tears

"And who asked for your opinion,Woo Woo"Oreo teased "Woo Woo?"I repeated confused Oreo laughed "Yes his name is Woo Woo"He repeated continuing to laugh "Ha.Ha.Ha"He laughed sarcastically

"But I thought your name is En-" "Shut up will you grapes"He whisper yelled into my ear I gave him a what-the-duck look before licking his hand which he quickly pulled away "Gross"he grumbled

"My name is Orieste not Oreo but I guess you could call me Oreo-"He mumbled the last part while looking away "-And this is Woo Woo-"He just got smacked in the head making me snicker "I mean Chan-Woo...stupid name as it is-Ow!"these to can literally make my day

"My name is Lilibeth, Lilibeth Griffith's"I introduced myself bowing "That's a long name,  Grapes is better"If he is going to call me Grapes might as well call him Woo or Mr.Cotton Candy just for simplicity

"Lilibeth, It's a nice name.Well!,Lilibeth I'd like to treat you for what you've done for me yesterday.Will a trip to the mall suffice?"He asked I thought for a second "A trip to the mall?Why there?"I asked "It's what every cliche story's do.You know the leading man owes a favor to the leading woman and he wants to repay her for it so,  Mall"He explained

"Leading Man?"I questioned "I-I mean a man...only Man"he stuttered "someone feeling a little confident today"Woo whispered earning a whack from Orieste "That'd be fine...I guess...8?" "Tomorrow"He added "See you then"


I went back to the dorm grabbing my pajamas dressing myself for sleep "Heres the lucky girl"I smiled and moving to face sideways "heard you got a date"

"I won't consider it a date. He's just returning the favor"I replied if your wondering who I'm talking to meet Jamil Mai Dominquez

-New Character-

<[*Jamil Mai Dominquez*]>

Species:Magic User
Relationship:Best Friend

After a few days living in the dorm we've developed a bond and ended up being friends along with our few other best friends in our little group

"Returning a favor.That's exactly when it all starts!Damn we've only been here for a few weeks and you've already have dozens of men after you" She's obviously mad "What do you mean?"I questioned

Her head suddenly popped up on the corner of my bed making me look at her weirdly she continued to climb and sat beside me "You mean you don't notice?"She whispered into my ear

"Pssh what do you mean don't notice and get your face off my ear their is spit getting into my ears ewww"I complied she laughed and hit me in the back "shut up"

"OH~~How naive"She giggled jumping off my bed going back into her own "Naive? mean stupid?says the one who scored 5 in a 1 to 20 quiz"I replied laughing

A pillow was sent my way smashing into my face a few feathers left inside my mouth 'Omg so anime was right! When you get hit with a pillow there's going to be feathers in your face!...but that pillow isn't even filled with feathers.... How?'

"Are you sure your part American? Or are you a monkey"She questioned "Are you questioning my existence"I replied "Most would question everything about you.Especially those thoughts that run inside your head"

"Stop Reading My Mind!!!"I complained "Fine...but anyway I see a very very very interesting future"She said smirking "Can you tell the future?"I asked interested "Go to sleep will you?"she said going back to bed

I sighed laying back on my bed staring at the roof because I don't have anything else to look at

My mind soon drifted off to nowhere and soon I feel asleep

Day 5 complete
File corrupted

##%%-(You're dreaming)-$$--


"And the game starts *giggle*"

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