Day (~8~)

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We all looked at him at shock "Pardon?"We all said "Would you interested in being my fiancé?"He repeated 'Holy shi-'

"I'm sorry, but isn't that too sudden?I don't even know you"I said politely "I suppose it is"He said I sighed in relief

"Then I'll have it arranged.I can let you live in our mansion then we'd have all the time to get to know each other" This man

"Look pal, I don't want to be impolite but you can't just do that"Woo stated "And why can't I?"Fang questioned

"It's just not how you do it Fang"WoonJae interfered "Is this proper etiquette to you?"He added 'Burnnnnnn'

"And is it your business to interfure with us?"Fang asked "And is it your business to interfere with her life?"Aragaki spoke

The tension was high the three of them we're having an intense staring competition none of them dared to even blink which makes me question if their eyes are alright

"Why is it bad to court this fine lady?Don't tell me your romantically involved with her"Fang spoke breaking the silence "She's not"Woo said

"Then there's no reason for you to interfere either"Fang said "I've been her best friend for 10 years does that mean I have the right to interfere?"Sungkit smirked joining in

"I'm her best friend too!"Wal-e jumped in "I'm the one who's trying to win her heart right now!You're the one interfering our supposed to be quality time together!"
Orieste spoke up

"Guess I'm involved now too"Woo said the seven started to argue back in forth me not being able to understand a single sentence they've spat out of their mouths even the earpiece is having a hard time translating what they're saying

"Alright stop!" "WHAT!"They screamed turning to me I glared them down "Sorry...."they apologized I let out a sigh and spoke

"Look this is all flattering and all but.I don't think in ready for...any of this"I spoke they all looked around raising the awkwardness I let out a sigh

"Let's just all calm down.I think the best way to settle this by-"


My name is Lilibeth Griffiths, hello and I am just a normal girl who just wanted to go in a prestigious school for magic users and graduate there.Nothing as tragic as this ever crossed my mind

"What!?!?"Jamil exclaimed once I broke the news to her "I know..."I sulked smashing my body down my bed "Oh my God.."Jamil said shocked I pouted and nodded

"It's terrible isn't it?"I said "Te-rrible?Lilibeth this is te-rrific!!"She squeled "Righ-wait what! how could you make fun of misery!"I questioned

"Please Lilibeth, your state of misery is a state of supposed joy to us"Aleora came in a click from the door can be heard as she shut it behind her

-New Character-

<[*Aleora Patel*]>

Species:Magic User
Relationship:Best Friend

"I don't see how my situation is soppused to be terrific"I sighed fiddling with my hair "So Naive"Aleora sighed with her whole heart

"Lilibeth, seven handsome men are trying to steal your heart don't tell me that your heart doesn't flutter just a tad bit?"Iezel suddenly spoke dropping the book that she was reading

-New Character-

<[*Iezel Aubert*]>

Species:Magic User
Relationship:Best Friend

"Come on Iezel you know her heart only flutters when she sees her dear Idols~~"Aleora teased making kissy faces I rolled my eyes at her before throwing a pillow her way

She caught it in time throwing it back to me I dodged it and reused the pillow "Care to tell me what's happening here?"

-New Character-

<[*Rinata Antinita Johansen*]>

Species:Magic User
Relationship:Best Friend

"They're making fun of my misery!"I exclaimed jumping down my bed and giving Rinata a hug "What did you guys do?"Rinata asked sending a cold glare to the three

"Lili us being a baby, we're just fangirling over her situation"Jamil said climbing down my bed sitting down on hers instead "What's so intriguing about her situation anyway?"Rinata asked confused

"Lilibeth got herself seven handsome men fighting for her heart"

"They got into a little fight and came to the decision that they would each take Lilibeth on a one day date"

"After the seven dates Lilibeth will come to the conclusion on which of the seven she will pick to be the winner of her heart"

"Which means she'll pick one of them to be her boyfriend"


"Oh come on you heard what I said"Rinata turned to me her face filled with shock "Is this true?"She asked her mouth hanging open I unwrapped my arms around her dropping my arms in defeat

Falling down the small couch I let out a deep sigh and nodded "Over dramatic much?"Aleora added cue the rolling of eyes

"Lilibeth...omg how the actual fu-I mean how in the world?This fast?" "Tell that to destiny and the world"I grumbled "Oh come on it's not that bad"

"I hope so"

Tomorrow became today and class has started nothing over the top happened just a normal school day so far.Just only a few more hours before school ends and the date starts

My alarm clock rang making my heart jump by its loud sound "Well poop"I silently cursed "Lilibeth!!!~~Your date is here!"

Day 8 complete

"I'll make sure that this day will be the best day of your life!"

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