Day (~12~)

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'I felt a little weird about yesterday'I thought as I finished brushing my hair placing down my brush only to pick up my chap stick pulling the lid I applied it on my lips

'Why would I suddenly mention something about mention something that I didn't even know I knew' keeping my brush and chap stick on my drawer I let out a loud sigh 'This started to happen in my first date does that have to do something about me starting to get weirder than normal?'

I stopped my train of thoughts by chaking my head and slapping my face with both of my hands "Focus!"I scolded earning a weird look from Rain making me chuckle

"Tell me what's more weirder a unicorn or a girl busy with her thoughts?"I asked kneeling over to meet Rain's height.She raised her hoof and pointed it at me "Oh really?"She nodded I ruffled her mane which made her smile

"So how do I look?"I asked I was wearing blue jeans, a white and pink shirt with the words 'SCR' on the front and black converse.Rain smiled and nodded as she jumped into my arms yes I'm bringing her with me

"Let's go then"I said grabbing my small backpack and left.I waited for Sungkit at the gates at exactly 5:00pm a black car stopped in front of me

The cars window opened revealing Sungkit he looked down at me and said "I have two things to say 1st of all, what is that?"He asked pointing at Rain "Have you ever heard of a unicorn before?"I answered with a smirk

"I've also heard about a rude short ass girl name Lilibeth ever heard of her before?"Sungkit replied pulling out the black glasses he had on her shirt putting it on "Sweg"We both said in chorus

"Get in"


"So you're a fan?Is my name behind this shirt?"He asked holding both my shoulders making me turn around "Ah!It does!"Sungkit said cheerfully seeing that I wore a short with his name in it

Sungkit is a part of a boy band here in Korea named 'SCR' they're not the most famous boy band out there but they're still pretty well known

I giggled at his childishness we kept talking about how things we're with our lives for the past year ever since he moved out to Korea.We've stopped in their dorm room which was just across their company "We're here, Thank you"Sungkit said as he bowed respectfully at his driver

"Thank you"I bowed too showing my respect the old man smiled waving goodbye to us as he drove off "Let's go?"He smiled as he offered me to ride in his back

I smiled and gladly jumped on "To victory!"I joked Sungkit began to walk with me on his back we've always done this when we we're kids the three of us actually Sungkit would always be the one carrying me and Wal-e since he's the strongest amongst us

"You sure you can carry me all the way up there?"

"There's this thing called elevator Lili"

So we took the elevator up "We're here!"He said stopping in front of an empty room "What's this place?"I asked as he slid the doors open switching the lights on

"Do you remember the time when you used to watch me dance?"Sungkit asked that's when I remembered what this place is "No way, this was your old practice room! Back in your pre-debut days"I said as I looked around the once small practice room that was now bigger than my house

Sungkit chuckled seeing my impressed face "Yep"He walked over a bunch of speakers and started pressing a few buttons then music started to play "Remember this song?"He asked as a beat dropped I felt nostalgic as images of me and Sungkit dancing our hearts out in a small room falling down as we grew tired from dancing

I felt myself smiling Sungkit grabbed a hold of my hand and spun me around "Come on Lilibeth dance!"He said as he moved along with the beat

"I don't remember the steps"

"That's what your brain thinks"

"But it's not what your heart feels"He smiled when we both said it together I breathed in and stared joining him surpsied when I actually was able to dance along with him and in sync too

"Yeah that's it"He cheered when it suddenly was time for the chorus "Yea-"Sungkit got a little excited and fell down "Sungki!"I ran to him "Where does it hurt?"I asked him

"My ankle"

"Sprain?"He nodded Sungkit always managed to sprain his ankle even his walking I let out a huge sigh as I remembered all the times I've already taken him to the hospital since every time he sprained his ankle he couldn't walk

"You know the drill"I said he chuckled and placed his arm over my shoulder and I slowly lifted him along with me "Come on Rain let's take this guy to the hospital"

This date again ended up not the way it was planned.Making my way back to Sungkit's room I gave him his ice cream "This is number 1,701 by the way" I said checking my notes adding one more number to my How Many times Sungkit sprained his ankle list

"You still have that list?"He asked I simply nodded "Did you record the times I sprained my ankle when you weren't around?"Sungkit asked licking his ice cream "I got Wal-e to watch over ya remember"Smirking I ripped open the packet of my ice cream and devoured it

A nurse came in and told me that visiting hours we're over Sungkit wanted me to stay and watch over him but I already called one of his band mates to watch over him for the night.

I talked the nurse into letting me stay a little longer until his band mate showed up and left when he arrived "Bye"I closed the door behind me

When I suddenly met someone gaze "Jihoon?" "Lilibeth Noona?"We both said I chuckled

"It's a surprise meeting you here"

"It's not I visit this hospital for my check up everyday"

"Oh...Ah-Sorry I got to go it's getting a little late.Bye Jihoon!"

"Noona wait!"He grabbed my hand "T-theres just something I want to tell you"Jihoon said loosening his grip I turned my body to face him

"I've been having weird dreams of you lately.If started when we first met, that night I dreamt of you and it kept continuing until now.Like a television show-"

"-But what's more weird is that in every dream I had of you.It would start with me being in the hospital again and I was leaving after my check up when I saw a bunch of nurses and doctors rushing into the Emergency Room, I went to look at what was happening out of curiosity-"He let out a deep sigh as his body shivered a bit

"Did something wrong happen?"I asked holding onto his shoulder "When I looked at the Emergency Room"His gaze moved to meet mine

"You were there crying in each dream you would cry over a different person who was being treated, In each dream you'd wear different clothes, in each dream you'd look different but it was still you although there was one thing that was similar"


"Your clothes...they we're all coated with blood"

Day 12 complete

"But there is one game that I still haven't defeated yet"

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