Morning Ritual

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 (Jacob's POV) 

"Hurry up Jacob its time for school!!!" 
I rolled a little and opened my eyes slightly just to check the time. My clock said 7:45, nearly 15 minutes until the bus came. 'No no no' I thought as I got up so fast that I tripped and fell on my face. I quickly got up and started looking for my glasses.

"Glasses Jake, where did u put ur glasses?" I muttered to myself while dropping to my knees to search under the bed. I finally found my glasses in the math book on my desk. Moving as quick as i could, i dragged on a shirt from the floor and pants hanging on my door. i crammed all the papers from my desk in my bag and pretty much flew down the stairs.

 "Dont you want a ride sweetheart?" my mom asked from the kitchen. 

 "Uh nah its cool i have to get to school early today." I say grabbing a poptart and stuffing it in my pocket. 

 "well i can take you Jacob," My mother says tousling my fro of curls. I push her hand away and give her.

 "Mom we have two completely different ideas of early. I've gotta catch my bus, see you later." I say sweetly before kissing her cheek and racing out the door.

 I caught the bus right before it left the stop. i got on panting and looked around for an empty seat, avoiding everyone glaring at me. i was about to sit down in a spare seat when someone tripped me . i slammed onto the bus floor and my glasses went scattering across the floor.

 I got up and sat down, too angry to even look for them. i feel a light tap on my shoulder and i turn around to find my glasses shoved towards my face. i take them cautiously and put them on. When my vision clears I can see the person in front if me. It was a kid my age with 2 long braids on either side of his head and a domo hat covering his eyes.

 "Gee thanks," i say to the kid. He doesnt respond as he lowers the hat onto his eyes ever more, nearly touching his nose. I blinked slowly before turning around in my seat and facing forward to avoid the awkwardness as we approach the school.

 Once I'm off the bus I race towards the library where I always go before class. The only people that come into the library is the librarian, me and a few other kids who stay on high honors. I stake out my little couch in the corner of the library and quickly plop down in it before anyone comes.

 To clear things up I'm what people consider a nerd. The glasses, the over curly afro, the weird accent and the constantly good grades. The lowest grade i've ever gotten is a C+ and even then i did extra credit to boost it to a B-.

 I've heard the things people call me, awkward, weird, foreign, geeky. It hurts and some times i feel like a wimp for not sticking up for myself. One day thought, one day I'm going to curse the hell out of the two people who live to ruin my life.

 Craig and Chresanto.

  Those two love to torment me, for no reason. Like come on, i get it, you think you're better than me. They have the girls, the popularity, the athleticism. Why can't i get a break, it's not like i ever done anything to piss them off. They've pushed me into lockers, knocked my tray out my hand, slammed my book to the floor and threatened to do much worst. Some times its so bad i go home, sit in the bathroom and wonder if it's better to just end my life now.

 But then i think of my mom, she's lost so much already. I can't imagine what kind of mess she would be if i left her life completely. That's why i bury myself into my studies and stay in the library. It's my own little shell that protects me from the hate on the other side of these double doors.

 A few minutes later the first bell rings signaling that i have five minutes to get to class. I put my book back into my bag and head out, waving to the librarian as i go. I head towards the science wing and as i do a girl in a bright pink shirt races past me laughing.

 "Noo Tamara, leave me alone!" She screams, laughing and dodging people in the crowd.

 Another girl, dressed in a purple shirt races past me right towards the one in the pink shirt. "Give me my phone you idiot!" She yells tackling the girl down. I watch in astonishment as they squirm on the phone clammering after the phone.

 Just then our principal, Mr. Roberts appears and speed walks towards the girls. He shakes his head and hands them a detention slip. "No running in the hallways," He hands them a yellow slip for detention and walks away.

 The two girls exchange a look before storming away. The one in the purple, Tamara, walks past me pushing the girl in the pink right into me. I stumble back a little and she struggles to catch herself.

 "I'm sorry," She apologizes quickly with an embarassed smile on her face. I just sit there, wondering why she's even bothering to apologize.

 After a minuete when i dont say anything she turns and follows her friend, slapping her arm extremely hard. Probably hard enough to leave a mark.

 I glance at the clock which shows i now have two minutes to get to class. I curse under my breath quickly and speed walk down the hall on high alert for Craig or Chresanto.

(Sorry for any errors, i dont proof read like i should :D)

High School Affairs (MB Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang