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(Chris's POV)

My mom called me today. She said she misses me and can't wait for me to come home and all that stuff. I missed her too but I was enjoying being away from home for a while, away from Joey, away from all the stress.

Since I got here it's like I have complete freedom. I can kick back and hang with my friends without worrying that I could be putting them in danger with Joey. I had no cares right now and I knew that I hat to make a choice by Sunday. Would I keep dealing with Joey? Or would I put someone I love at risk?

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you guys. We could watch movies all day and just chill." Autumn says to Jasmine and Craig. They had decided to stay in the hotel for the day until Jasmine's food poisoning goes away.

I shoot Autumn a look, she's a being a little too nice. I mean I love Craig like a brother and everything but I don't wanna be stuck in some hotel room all day with Jasmine throwing up all over the place. This is my senior trip and there is no way I'm spending our last three days cooped up in here.

"Nah, ya'll can go. We don't want your company anyway." Craig says playfully.

"Aye, just cuz you two area cute little couple now don't mean anything." Tamara says, giving them elevator eyes. He laughs and puts an arm around Jasmine's shoulder. We turn and head out their hotel room towards the elevators. We all crowd inside and head down to the lobby.

When we get there our grade is already walking out the door to go explore Virginia again. As soon as we get outside I grab Tamara by her arm and drag her away from our friends. We head in the opposite direction of them, with me leading Tamara down the street.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"I dunno, away from them." I tell her. I look over my shoulder to make sure they haven't noticed and turn a corner sharply, almost making her trip over her own feet.

Once we're a good distance away I slow down and walk at a normal pace. Tamara catches her breath and yanks her arm away from me. "Why don't you want to hang out with our friends?"

"Don't you ever get tired of being crowded with them?" I ask her. "Besides, I have a few ideas on what we're doing today."

"Ok, so what are we doing?" Tamara asks.

"Just follow my lead." I say walking nonchalantly down the street. She rolls her eyes and follows along next to me. Honestly I didn't know what we were going to do today. I just wanted to get Tamara to hang out with me alone.

As we walk I take out my phone and google some fun places to go in Virginia. Tons of things came up and they all looked pretty fun, but the thing I wanted to do required us hopping a bus across town. I grabbed a bus schedule from one of those news paper scans and look for the bus route I need.

"Chris I'm tired of walking. Where are we going?" Tamara asks.

"We have to catch a bus first. Come on," I say pulling her to the a bus stop where about five people are crowded. A few minutes later the bus pulls up and we hop one.

"If we end up getting lost in some deserted place, I'm eating you to survive." Tamara says.

I laugh and glance over at her where she's giving me a dead serious expression. "I give you permission."

The bus ride wasn't too long and we go to the correct street in no time. I follow the directions off Google and a little while later we come up to the Paintball Arena.

"Where going paintballing!?" Tamara asked excitedly.

I nod. "Yup, I'll pay for both of us and we'll go a couple rounds."

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