Lucky Peace Sign

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(Jacob POV)

 The weekend was crazy. Jaida and I actually had alot of fun with the baby. We dressed it up in some of her old baby clothes even though it was a boy and we took turns making the bottle. The doll even threw up on me once and Jaida thought it was the funniest thing ever to see my shirt stained with a thick white substance. She laughed so hard i thought her dimples would permanently show on her face. But i got my laugh too when i accidentally didnt secure the diaper and the doll peed on her.

Yea it was an epic weekend.

 Now it's back to school. Luckily I start out the day with hip hop class. Mhm, i know what you're thinking. ''What is a nerd like me doing in hip hop?' Well i grew up around dance, my mom and cousins were always throwing parties so music played constantly through the house. That means i always had something to dance to. My mom realized how good i was at my 7th birthday party when i grabbed the attention of everyone and began dancing in the middle of the living room.

 I had studied dance moves from Michael Jackson and had quickly picked up some of his moves. I also learned from watching Chris Brown and Justin Timberlake. So yeah, i like dancing but i've never really shown my full potential around my peers.

 Craig was in the class also, he thought he was all that cause he had a signature move called the hip rocka and he could roll his hips like Chris Brown. Little did he know i could out dance him any day, i just choose to stay in the back.

 "Iight, guys line up." Dave Scott, our hip hop instructer tells us just as I finish tying up my hair. Dave was cool, not only does he teach classes here but he's also choreographed moves in Step Up, You Got Served and Stomp The Yard. He's a big name choregrapher and everyoen feels honored just to have him teaching us.

 "Alright so we have a challenge today." Dave says pacing back and forth. He always gives us challenges to start the class of with. Wether it's coming up with a dance combination right on spot, or naming the different way to stretch our your body before dance. "I''m pairing you up today and you have to create a 1 minute combination to the song Let's Go by Calvin Harris.

 Alright so I'm pretty sure you have already guess who i got paired up with. Craig...of course. It just seems like is not on my side when it comes to Craig and Chris.

 "Aw, come on Dave. I can't work with this kid. He aint got no type of rhythm." Craig says stomping over to me. I glare at him and clench my fist that were just itching to connect with his jaw.

 "Learn to work with him Craig." Dave says. Then he walks away to help out another group.

 Craig turns to me as 'Lets Go' blares out the speakers in the corners of the room. He looks me up and down and snickers. "Follow my lead and try to keep up."

 I roll my eyes and watch as he begins dancing. A smile creeps onto my face as I watch his old moves. "Dude, I think you've worn the mess out of those moves. You need new material." I say laughing.

 Craig stops in his tracks and steps up to me so that we're nearly chest to chest. "And you think you've got something better?" He asks, his hot breath fannign across my face.

 I smirk and do a short combination for him. He watches me closely and I end it by getting all up in his face like he did me. His facial expression was firm for a second and his jaw was clenached. But then he finally loosened up and cracked a smile. "Alright i gotta admit that was dope."

 "Glad you think so. Now let's put this dance together so we can win the challened today." I say. Craig looks at me doubtfully then shrugs and gives me a knuckle punch. Finally agreeing with me for once.

 When class was over we ended up winning the challenge. Dave said he was impressed by the way we cooperated with eachother. Craig tossed me a genuine smile as we headed out the class. We went our sepearate without saying anything and I couldn't help but hope that maybe we can finally bury the hatchet.

 Throughout the day I was in a happy, upbeat kind of mood. I walked into the cafeteria, got my food and took a seat across from Ray. "What up, Domo?"

 He looks up at me confused. We hadnt' really talked since that day when he saved me from getting my ass kicked. So there was kind of an awkward vibe. "Um, hey."

 "You know I never got to thank you for saving my ass last week. Craig and Chris probably would have murdered me if you hadn't come in." I say picking at my tater tots.

 "I doubt it, Chris wouldn't go that far. Joey would probably kick his ass." Ray says.

 I wrinkle my eyebrows at him. "Who's Joey?"

 A look crosses Ray's face and he drops his gaze to his tray of food. Before I could ask again I feel someone's hip bump into mine. I turn my head to see Jaida sliding onto the bench next to me. Tamara sits across from her casually and then Alicia shows up and takes a seat too. I exchange a confused look with Ray. Since when did we become cool enough to be socialized with in public? Especially school?

 'Um, did I miss something?" I ask with a confused tone.

 "A friend of Jaida's is a friend of ours." Alicia says. "Besides I came to hang with Ray."

 I look at Ray who's eyebrows shoot up. The girls laugh and I sit here wondering how much we could be damaging their social status.

 "So we're friends now?" I ask Jaida.

 "Well if you want me to leave..." She says standing up.

 I grab her arm and pull her back down. "No no no, I enjoy the company."

 "Mhmm," Tamara says giving Jaida a sly smirk. Jaida gives her a blank face.

 "Look, here comes your baby daddy now." Jaida says pointing behind her. I look to see Chris and Craig heading our way. Shit...cue the drama.

 Craig and Chris reach our table and stare at all of us. "Is this the brady brunch now?" Chris asks raising an eyebrow.

 "Are you mad?" Jaida asks, "I think you're mad." Chris rolls his eyes at her before plucking some grapes off her trey and popping them in his mouth.

 Craig walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Yo, we need to hang out one day. Aye Chris you've gotta check out this niggas moves, they're dope as hell."

 "And when did you two become besties?" Chris asks, resentment clear in his voice.

 "It's not even like that man. We're just dance partners." Craig says. "He's cool peoples. I kinda regret beating his ass in the cafe last week." I force a laugh, trying to act like everythings fine when really I feel weird as hell. The so called "cool crowd" hanging around me? That's odd. Chris looks between Chris and I and shakes his head. He sits down next to Tamara and rubs his temples like he has a headache.

 As people walk by they give us weird looks. I mean I would too if I saw the so called 'It Boys' of school sitting with the nerd and Domo kid. I keep my eyes low and eat some of my lunch even though it's nasty as hell.

 "Hey," Jaida says nudging me. I look at her as she pushes her tray away. "What's this?" She points at the part of my peace sign that was showing under my watch. I move the watch out the way to reveal the whole thing.

 "My lucky piece sign, I put it on everyday since I was six." I say tracing it. Jaida cocks her head to the side and I laugh. "Dont ask why it's just a superstition I have. Like if I wear this something good may happenen to me."

 "Like what?" She asks wrinkling her eyebrows.

 Like getting you as a project partner. Is what I wanted to say, but instead I shrugged and said, "I don't know...a good test grade?

 Jaida chuckles and nods. "That's cute."

 Did she just say cute? She just called me cute! Wait no she called the peace sign cute...but the peace sign is on my body so technically she called my body cute. Haha, thank you lucky peace sign. 

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