Should've Kissed You

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(Jacob POV)

I'm at home staring in the mirror clutching my phone. I'm two seconds away from calling Jaida and telling her I'm not coming to Chris's party anymore. The party scene just isnt for me, i've never been big on going out all hours of the night and coming home reeking of smoke and alcohol. One reason is because i've never been invited to one of Chris's parties, but now that I am i'm having second thoughts.

Earlier today Jaida had come over to help me pick out party attire. She laughed as I modeled for her and sometimes i threw on tacky things just see her cheeks pierced by her dimples again.

"What look are going for? You look like you belong in a mafia." She said as I was struggling to get my michael jackson inspired hat onto my head. I made a face like her words hurt me and sulked back towards my closet to try on another outfit.

"I think you're trying too hard. " She called out to me while i went through my clothes.

Jaida finally pushed me to the side and went through my clothes on her own. She threw me a pair of army green cargo shorts and a black top with Misfits scrawled across the chest.

"Simple is better." She said to me. "Now lets fix your hair. You cant be walkin up in there with dusty droopy curls."

I moved towards the edge of the bed and Jaida sat criss crossed behind me. "Does you mom have some hair oil?"

"For what!?" I asked.

"So i can revive your curls." Jaida said matter of factly.

I ended up searching through my moms drawers and found some hair stuff. Jaida lathered in hands in the oil and begins massaging it into my hair. Her touch was gentle and i found myself not wanting her to stop.

"You better pay me for this. All this hair you got on your head Chi-Chi." (Chee Chee) Jaida told me. She calls me Chi-Chi now because it's short for chiauaua. My mom told her the story about me being the smallest one in all my classes until 7th grade when i had a sudden growth spurt.

"You're gonna have me smelling like a girl." I said, taking a whiff of the sweet smelling hair oil. Jaida shrugged and finished up her master piece.

After an hour she left to go get herself ready with Alicia. I lounged around the house for a while, fighting with myself on wether i should or shouldnt attend the party.

I glance at the clock, it reads 8:45, the party started at 8. Maybe this will make me look fashionably late or something. Ugh, why didnt I just ride with Ray?

I grab my keys off my dresser and shove my phone in my pocket. On my way downstairs I pass by mom's room.

"Whoa," I say walking into her room. "Where are you going?" I take in her body hugging blue dress and wavy hair flowing down her back.

"What, you think you're the only one who wants to have fun on a Friday night? Im going out with my chicas and hitting up the club in search of some hot papis." She says winking at me.

I cover my ears and cringe. "Ew mama, too much info."

"Oh whatever Jake. Are you leaving for this party or not? I'm sure Jaida's waiting for you." My mom says fastening in her feathered earrings.

"Yea mama I'm going now. See you later." I say, leaning down to kiss her cheek. Then i head to the garage and get into the car, backing out and heading down to the party.


Two blocks away I could hear the bass of a song echoing through the neighborhood. Cars were lined up and down the street, some even parked in random drive ways. Some people were already staggering around, tipsy in just the beginning of the party.

I park my moms car and walk up the path to the house. The door was wide open and i could see that its packed from wall to wall. There was glitter swirling around on the floor and in the air, and the smell of perfume, axe and alcohol was overwhelming.

As i walk deeper into the house i find myself getting bumped around by sweaty, grinding and gyrating bodies. Im pretty sure all of our grade and half of the other grades were packed into this normal sized house.

"Aye Jacob," A guys voice calls to me. It takes me a while to scan the swarm of people before I spot Craig motioning for me to come over.

I found him standing with Chris, Tamara and Jaida. He handed me a red cup when I got closer and patted me on the back.

"Oh the party has now started. Puff daddy has entered the building!" Chris exclaims raising his red cup in the air. Tamara clears her throat and glares at him. He sucks his teeth and sighs. "Its just a joke man. Get your panties out your ass."

We laugh and Chris looks at me. "Bet you've never been to a party like this, huh?" he says.

I shake my head no. "Nope, its pretty cool i guess."

"You guess? N*gga this party will be the topic of conversation for at least a week. So enjoy yourself. Take a shot, play some beer pong, go skinny dip in the pool. I mean you're not young forever." Chris tells me.

"Preach Chris, enlighten us!" Tamara says raising her hand into the air and swaying back and forth. We laugh as more people walk through the door. I take that time to study Jaida. She was wearing this yellow shirt with ripped white jeans and sneakers. It was weird seeing her in anything other than pink.

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