It's A Boy

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(Jacob POV)

"Jacob you look so cute!" A girl from modern dance says to me.

"Oh my gosh Jacob come here, you're eyes are so pretty." Another girl i recognize from history calls out to me. I smile shyly and shake my head, signaling that i have to get to class.

Just then a girl with dark red hair steps in front of me and we practically have a head on collision. "Jacob, you remember me right? Janice from art class. So um, what are you doing this weekend?"

"" I say stepping around her and walking quickly away.

It was friday and I was walking to my last period of the day, life science. It was one of those classes that could be fun or boring, depending on the behavior. It was also one of my easier classes that i maintained nothing lower than a B in.

My day was actually pretty weird, people were actually...talking to me. I'm pretty sure that losing my glasses made people realize that I'm not a dork or geek or weirdo. I'm a person that's just misunderstood. I went through the day with a lot of people saying hi to me and girls saying how cute i looked today. It was actually starting to piss me off. Like suddenly I'm worth a second look just because I don't have glasses anymore? Jeez, thanks a lot society.

As i turned the corner I walked straight into a make out session. That boy Daniel and his girlfriend Autumn were all up against a locker. I blinked slowly before speed walking away from them and hurrying to get to class. My face began to heat up after witnessing them, for some reason it made me feel like i was invading their privacy even if they are on school grounds. Suddenly I trip over my own feet from walking so fast and bump into someone, we both crashed to the floor. Our books going every which way.

I began searching for my glasses, then I realized I didn't have them anymore. I mentally face palmed myself and looked up to see Jaida gathering up her books and pen. She didn't meet my eye as she picked up her stuff and I slowly stood up.

"I just can't seem to stay on my feet." I say rolling my eyes and standing up. "Need help?" I extend my hand towards Jaida and she grasps it as I pull her up.

"Thanks," She says picking up my notebook and handing it to me. "And trust me, I've seen clumsier people than you. You're good,"

I laugh and we pick up the rest of our stuff. Ive seen Jaida around school but Ibe never bothered talking to her cuz i'm too shy and shes always with Tamara, Chris and Craig. Shes short, just barely 5'3 with straight dark hair and a peanut butter complexion. Two dimples pierce her cheeks when she smiles, making her look like an adorable babydoll. As we gather our stuff I try hard to think of something interesting to say. Just then I remember she's in my life science class, that means I get the privilege of walking her to class. Unless...she's embarrassed to be seen with me. Suddenly my hopes drop and I awkwardly pick up the rest of my stuff.

"Hey," Jaida says suddenly, "We better hurry up, five minutes until life science starts and you know how Mr. Daniels gets when someone's late."

I quickly gather up my last notebook and we begin walking to class. At first I'm not sure what to talk about then she glances at me out the corner of her eye. "You look really different without your glasses."

"Lemme guess, I look 100 percent better than I did before. Right?" I ask letting my shoulders slump forwards.

"No," Jaida says softly. "I actually like both looks. But without your glasses I can see you face better."

Why, the hell, would anyone want to see MY face better?

"Well that's a first," I say literally surprised. For practically my whole life I was told by others that they don't' want to see my face, and to hear someone say that they do..well it was a shock to my system.

Jaida laughs and pushes my shoulder. "Whatever, I know I'm mushy."

"Nah, you're just bold." I tell her truthfully.

"Well maybe you should be bolder too, and then people won't throw you around like some rag doll." Jaida says honestly. Damn I like her boldness but she doesn't have to be so blunt. If anyone else had said this, I would have probably felt offended, but seen as how Jaida seems truthfully nice I actually didn't mind.

What happened to your glasses anyway?" Jaida asks stepping to the side to make room for someone passing by us. Her arm brushes mine and I resist the urge to shudder.

"Craig broke them yesterday in the fight. I got home and the lens seemed loose so I tried to fix it and ended up popping it out of place. From there it fell and shattered and now it's history." I say shaking my head.

"Damn, so contacts it is." Jaida says.

I nod my head as the classroom gets closer into view. "Guess so,"

We walk into class with a few minutes to spare and we go our separate ways to our seat. Craig was hitting up Jasmine again and she seemed less than interested. I remember what Ray had said to him about being thirsty and I couldn't help but laugh a little at the memory. Ray was a good kid and a little bit on the shy side. For some reason he stuck up for me yesterday and we barely even interacted. It was weird, but nice at the same time. I could use a friend and maybe I just might take him up on that offer.

"Jas baby, why do you keep pushing me away like this?" I head Craig asks.

Jasmine scowls at him and sighs heavily. "Because you're an ass Craig, not to mention that fact that I'm not interested."

Mr. Daniels walks and gets ready to start class. Craig looks back at Jasmine and licks his lips. "You say that now," He says in a wanna be seductive way. Jasmine narrows her eyes into slits and tosses her hair over her shoulder as he walks away and takes his seat.

"Babies," Mr. Daniels says. "Sweet, fragile, beautiful creations. Calm and quiet when sleeping, vicious monsters once awake."

The class chuckles and he continues. "I can guarantee that most of you in here are going to have children one day. Hopefully not anytime soon, but you will."

"Well if the sex is good enough maybe I'll plant a seed in her." Craig says with a smirk, receiving a few high fives from the guys around him.

Mr. Daniels eyes Craig closely. "God bless that seed,"

Craig and the rest of the class laughs, "Oh, Mr. Daniels got jokes now."

"Ok, all jokes aside. Babies are a big responsibility, they have to be fed, changed, washed up, eyed carefully and require a countless amount of care." Mr. Daniels says. "And kids your age are going around, popping out child after child like they don't have a hobbies."

"Riding that D is their hobby." Craig says gaining another handful of laughter. Mr. Daniels hides a smirk and continues.

"Anyway for you half of your grade this year I have created a project that focuses solely on babies." Mr. Daniels says walking towards his supply closet. A murmur fills the class as we wonder what kind of project we're getting. Projects from Mr. Daniel's are usually fun but they can be pretty weird too. Like when we had to be married to each other for a week, the number of boys outweighed the girls so there were a lot of same sex couples in class.

Mr. Daniels turns away from the supply closet and my eyes go wide at what's in his hands. A baby...not like a real one of course because that's obviously dangerous, but a baby doll that was so life like it was creepy.

"Oh no," Someone mutters.

"Oh yes," Mr. Daniels says smiling. "Class, say hello to your new babies." He points to the supply closet where dozens of baby dolls in carriers were lined up. "These dolls have the same characteristics as a real baby, such as crying, pooping, eating, throwing up, whining, fussing, sleeping, gurgling. All the things a read baby does."

Jaida raises her hand. "And how exactly does it do all that?"

"We have electronic engineering to thank for that." Mr. Daniels says smiling. The class breaks out in an amused murmur. "The dolls have a special key needed to to turn on and off. So once i turn them on and pass them out, there's not turning them off without my key." He holds up a tiny silver skeleton key, attached to a keychain around his neck.

"Damn it," Craig mutters under his breath.

Mr. Daniels eyes him before picking up a clipboard and pairing us up. As he went through the list my stomach began to tighten. All the good people where being taken quickly, I was going to be paired with someone who doesn't work or...was the same sex as me.

"Craig and Jasmine," Mr. Daniels reads. "You get a baby girl."

"What? NO!" Jasmine cries out. "Mr. Daniels please don't pair me with---"

"The decision is final Jasmine." Mr. Daniels says before returning to his clip board.

Jasmine kicks the chair in front of her and crosses her arms. Endless curse words pour from her mouth as she mutters under her breath. Craig turns around in his seat gives me a sly glare, she flips him the bird and his smile grows.

"Alright Jacob and," Mr. Daniels marks something on his clipboard and I hold my breath. "Jaida, you get a baby boy."

My stomach unclenches its self and I look over at Jaida, thinking she'd probably be disappointed in her partner selection. But when i look over I see her smiling warmly at me, obviously not too bummed. Suddenly my heart starts pounding and I realize that i forgot to exhale.

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