It All Hits The Fan (Part. 1)

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A/N: ok just to clear things up, this is two people's POVs in once chapter

Part. 1
(Autumn POV)

This week flew by, it's like just yesterday we were screaming our lungs off at Busch Gardens, now it's the last day we get to have fun in Virginia before it's back to school. Which means finals, prom, graduation, then we're out of high school.

Wanna know something weird? Yesterday when we found Chris and Tamara in the diner, seeing them kiss kind of made me realize something.

I like Chris, I mean like him like him. He's honesty not as bad as people made him sound. Maybe it was the rumors from all the girls whose hearts he broke or maybe it was the envious gossip from the boys who wanted to be Chris. All in all Chris turned out to be really cool.

Just last week I was disgusted by him, completely grossed out by just his presence. I mean he is the one who stole my virginity. Ok well not exactly stole, but he took it and then left me in the dust. And to make matters worst, he yelled at me to keep my mouth shut. Like I was really going to go around bragging about something like that.

I've tried to hate Chris, I've tried so hard that it's sad. But for some reason I can't hate him, he's way too fun to be around. He's like one of those annoying freshmen boys at school that enjoy flirting with you. One minute you want them to go jump in hot tar and the next minute you're loving their attention.

Same for Chris. One minute he acts as though he's flirting and the next minute he's completely head over heels for Tamara. I knew he wouldn't go for me, but I couldn't help thinking what it would be like if he did like me.

My thoughts are interrupted when a rubber ball bounces off my head.

"Ouch, what the heck!?" I exclaim turning around. Ray is across the store laughing at me, bouncing a sparkly rubber ball.

Don't ask why but today we decided to go into toys r us. We were on the city bus just riding around when we saw it. Our inner kid woke up and decided to drag us inside. I pick up the ball and run after Ray, he disappears around a corner and as I get ready to follow him, Jaida and Jacob race past me on skateboard. And by on a skateboard, I mean Jaida is sitting on it with Jacob pushing her. I swear we're the childish teenagers in the word.

I continue down the aisle looking for Ray, when Chris suddenly appears out of no where and dives behind me.

"What the---"

"Ssshhh," he hisses at me. He puts a hand on my shoulder and begins pushing me down the isle. I try to turn and look at him but his firm grip keeps me still. His hand feels warm against my skin and I can't help the tingling feeling inside of me. When we reach the end of the isle, Tamara jumps out of no where aiming a nerf gun at us. She fires and a orange nerf dart hits me square on the nose.

"Hey," She snaps. "No blocking!"

Chris pushes me forward a little more. "No rules, noob."

They begin firing at each other with me standing in the middle getting pelted by foam darts. Soon the floor is covered in orange and blue darts like confetti.

"Exscuse me," A female's voice says from behind us. We turn to see a really short brunette standing behind us with an annoyed look. "Now who do you expect is going to clean this up?" Her voice sounds like she needed to cough up some mucus.

Chris shrugs. "I dunno, maintenance?" Tamara giggles and the lady glares at him before snatching his nerf gun then Tamara's.

"I thought this was a toys store." Tamara mutters.

"It is, but if you want to play with these then you're going to have to purchase them. You're not five years old and I shouldn't have to be telling you this." The lady says. "Why don't you all grow up?"

Chris glares at her and takes a step forward, pushing me out the way. The lady has to look up to see his face clearly."Get your head out your ass." Christ mutters and the lady's mouth turns down in a frown, glaring at him like he's the most digusting thing she's ever seen. Chris flashes her smile before turning his back to her and draping an arm around T. Together, they walk off down the aisle and around the corner. Leaving me to stand there awkwardly with the pissed off lady.

I awkwardly walk away, stepping on some of the darts as I go.  I meet up at the exit where I find Ray purchasing a toy for his little brother. I throw the ball at him and it bounces off the side of his head. I stick out my tongue victoriously and he laughs. After her buys the toy, we leave Toys R Us start stroilling down the street. After about 20 minutes we end up down town where all the little shops are, we stop and glance in store windows and bakeries.

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