Beyond Bored

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(Chresanto POV)

I am bored. No scratch that, I am beyond bored. I'm going insane! I've never been still for so long. Not even as a baby, my mom told me stories of how I always used to squirm, roll, cry, wiggle all the time. I never stayed still and it's killing me to stay this still now. I was slowly loosing it and if I didn't move or do something soon I was going to lose my mind.

 Craig is sitting next to play playing fruit ninja on his ipod, nodding his head to whatever song was coming through his headphones. It was about 12:30 ish and the bus was pretty quiet and dim. Some were talking lowly, some where sleeping, some were just doing anything to occupy their selves. A movie played on the little tv's above us, something to do with monkey's taking over the world or something like that. I wasn't very interested at all.

 Across from me, about three rows down, I spotted Tamara. She was playing around on her ipod with Jasmine sitting next to her. She was reading a book on her Kindle, biting her nail absorbed in the author's words.

 I nudged Craig and he looks over at me, taking his headphone out his ear. "Get Jasmine's attention for me." I tell him.

 His eye brows crinkle. "Whoa there big boy, that's my piece."

 "I'm not interested bro. Just call her for me." I say annoyed. Craig leans forward and begins hissing Jasmine's name. She doesn't hear him at first, then she slowly lifts her head and looks around before glancing behind her. She notices Craig and he points at me.

 "Switch seats with me." I hiss to her.

 "Why?" She asks confused.

 "Please just switch," I say practically begging. She gives me a blank look and I pout. She rolls her eyes and turns away from me.

 I glare at her and reach down, digging in my pocket for the sour patch kids I took with me. I begin chucking them at the back of her head and she tries to ignore me. Finally I take a whole handful and throw them at her, the bounce of her head like a burst of confetti.

 Craig and I burst out laughing as she slams her Kindle down on her lap and whips her head around to glare at me. She jumps out her seat and stomps over to me. If looks could kill I would be dead.

 "You wanna switch seats? Fine, get the hell up." She hisses.

 I knuckle punch Craig and jump out the seat. I maneuver past Jasmine as she huffs at me and plops down next to Craig. He grins at her and she turns her head to look out the window. I laugh and take Jasmine's seat next to Tamara. She looks up at me and a smirk appears on her face.

 "Oh no, what do you want?" She asks, lowering her ipod.

 "I came to hang with you boo." I say putting my head on her shoulder. She scrunches up her face and shrugs me off.

 She looks behind us to see where Jasmine went and makes a face. "Great, now I'm stuck with you. What are you gonna try and pull this time?"

 I shrug. "Nothin, I was just bored back there. Thought maybe you could entertain me."

 "What I look like? Chuck E. Cheese? You better entertain yourself." Tamara says with an attitude.

 "How?" I ask.

 She smirks. "There's a bathroom, I got some lotion, you do the math."

 "Oh, no no no. I don't do that." I say laughing.

 "That's what they all say," She says going back to her Ipod.

 "That's what who says?"

 Tamara looks up at me with a gleam in her eyes. "All the people that masturbate."

High School Affairs (MB Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz